@Maple Leafs de Toronto

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#nhl #hockey #torontomapleleafs Les Maple Leafs de Toronto ont forcé le match 7 contre les Bruin de Boston en séries éliminatoires de la LNH. Jetons un coup d’œil à comment nous en sommes arrivés là, à la fois tactiquement et mentalement…. Musique présentée par blaowry Suivez-le sur ⏩ https://www.instagram.com/blaowry/ https://youtube.com/channel/UCeHAyP3nx4LWPArr9Mca0nQ https://www.beatstars.com/blaowry


  1. Ever since the Bruins won the cup they have had no problem blowing series leads and being eliminated on home ice.

  2. As soon as you use the term "looks" I know you're a tottal stat based loser

  3. leafs suck and again would consider a first round win a sucess. It takes 16 wins to win the CUp, not 4! total losers

  4. As a fan of a team that didn't make the playoffs, I am so sick of this series. Both teams are completely unlikeable, and seem to be in a contest to see who gets the most embarrassing loss. The stadium should just explode with 15 seconds left of OT in a 0-0 regulation game. They both deserve it. I hope Florida sweeps whoever wins.

  5. *had to say man these videos are fantastic. Super informative in an analytical way

    They win without Matthew's, that's who you get rid of 😂

  6. Praying for an OT win for Bruins.. Downtown T.O will explode into a crazy, violent riot! – mark my words!

  7. One of the best analyses I've seen yet. As someone who loves both teams (though prefer TML), I couldn't agree with you more. But unless TOR gets past Florida (not just BOS), a lot of heads are going to roll starting right at the top. No matter who wins this series, that team – TOR or BOS – will definitely be the underdog for all upcoming competitions. And I for one love it when the underdog crushes their competition.

  8. "Philosophy, philosophy, philosophy"… You sound like a college student in their Sophomore year that's watched other peoples analysis then regurgitating it. Nothing you've said hasn't been said before, you have nothing new to offer, and it's obvious that you're copying other peoples opinions and work, and spinning it as your own. 100% downvote.

  9. It doesn't matter who wins, Flordia is going to destroy whoever wins this series…. Look what they did to Tampa Bay.

  10. I don't have anxiety. Leave and Bruins are my favorite east coast teams.I will be happy either way. Grew up near the international border in NH!

  11. You know who screwed the bruins up? It was Marchand skating by the leafs bench last week shooting his big rat trap off yelling, “ Your done in 5” thanks for lighting a fire under the leafs arse … it appears history of last season is on repeat

  12. If Boston had their 2 top centres this year again they probably would’ve won the cup. I’ll never understand them both retiring after the best season in nhl history!!

  13. Well whoever loses their front office is gonna be on the Ei line a week from now. Can’t blame TO’s coaching staff as they surly figured out how to play better against their most hated opponent!! Matthew’s being out is good I truly believe as instead of just trying to get the puck to Matthew’s everyone is getting more looks and Boston ain’t just having to focus on Matthew’s or Nylander anymore because there is more shots for Toronto’s other players!!! Go leafs go…🙏

  14. Sadly im pretty sure that woll let in a secind goal in two games at the wnd of game six. Completely meaningless except that he didnt get the SO. It was a shot that crossed with .1s on ghe clock. Its sad he played so well and missed fhe SO by that little a margin.

  15. At the end of the day we have to remember that the Leafs are playing a game 7 in Boston….the Leafs havent won a game in that context since Sputnik was orbiting the earth.

  16. Good vid and excellent last question..nice work and breakdown..maybe not 100%.. but who is.?or can be….props.

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