@Sabres de Buffalo

Hymnes nationaux canadiens et américains du 40e anniversaire des Sabres de Buffalo

Doug Allen chante Ô Canada et Ronan Tynan chante pour la première fois lors d’un événement sportif le Star Spangled Banner. C’était la célébration des 40 ans du hockey à Buffalo NY. C’était le 40e anniversaire du premier match à domicile joué par les Sabres contre les Canadiens de Montréal le 15 octobre 1970. Les Sabres ont perdu ce match 0-3… ils ont perdu la version moderne 1-2.


  1. I've been wondering, when did this tradition of singing both anthems at every Sabres home game first start?

  2. @fucktheyuppies At that first game on October 15th, 1970. The opponent that night was Montreal too. Being on the border, playing a Canadian game, against a Canadian team and with a roster of mostly Canadian players it only made sense to perform O Canada to at every game.

  3. you mean they sing o' canada even though they don't play a canadian team? that's cool of them yoo!

    otherwise, all teams sing both respected teams national anthem…

  4. The First Niagara Center is literally 10 minutes away from Canada you can look right across the way and see Fort Erie, CAN. This fact is why we play both anthems as we have a lot of Canadian fans from Hamilton on down to Fort Erie because of the proximity.

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