@Blues de Saint-Louis

Les Blues de St. Louis soulèvent la Coupe Stanley | Match 7 de la finale de la Coupe Stanley

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  1. I wanted the Blues to win, as they never had a Stanley Cup before, and I got my wish! Congrats, St. Louis! You have been waiting since 1968 to see this moment! No more having to feel the “blues” (get it, ha ha ha). From, a NYR fan.

  2. Well done St. Louis & well done Pat Maroon! To win a Stanley Cup is one amazing thing, but to win it with your hometown team from under the noses of the opposing fans is just outstanding! (Boston fought hard, I have to respect that though!)

  3. Congratulations Saint Louis, you finally got to hoist the greatest trophy in hockey

  4. This guys plays hockey whole life for this moment ,st louis want this cup more congrats to the st louis blues players they deserved this win more.

  5. As a Caps fan, seeing another team who has never won before hold up the Stanley Cup for the first time makes me so happy. There is nothing like watching a team who has struggled for so long to finally lift the Cup up for their team, their fans, and their city. Congratulations Blues!! You deserve it <3 Have an awesome summer with Lord Stanley!

  6. Les Bleus de st  Louis je suis vote équipes de hockey de la LNHDe Julia Ros vous séte les équipes de mon réve  de la vis

  7. Boston fan here but my o my. What a series. Congrats St Louis. You deserved it. Binnington was the hero of that game imo enjoy the cup!! Maybe we’ll get it next year 😉

  8. Might just be me but felt like thorburn should have been on the back burner and binner should have been one of the top guys to hoist the cup

  9. Dear Blues, Thank u so much for winning and beating the holy hell out of Boston Bruins. My birthday is tomorrow and I will be 32 years old. I was waiting for this moment for a long damn time. Thank u for bringing the first Stanley Cup home. U guys r my heroes. The biggest hero is Laila Anderson aka the good luck charm. Bless u Laila, and keep on fighting the good fight. Anyway, Thank u so much once again. We did it y'all! Wednesday, June 12, 2019 will be the moment that we will never forget. Much love, Jackie Ellis.

  10. For any wondering why people were hoping every time Bettman opened his mouth, it's because it is tradition to boo Bettman

  11. Took St. Louis over 52 Years . They did it . Bob Plager, Brian Sutter, & Bernie Federko got to be in the Parade

  12. OMG, There's a lot of F-Bombs at the 2019 Stanley Cup Champions with the St. Louis Blues players

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