Pendant que vous regardez, nous voulons que le logo du Kraken ne soit PAS retourné lorsque les choix n°10, 9 et 8 sont révélés. Cela signifiera que le Kraken a progressé dans le repêchage. Vous pouvez voir les chances de tous les endroits où le Kraken peut choisir ici – Vous pouvez également jouer avec un simulateur de loterie de draft en cliquant sur « Commande Sim » Pour ceux qui découvrent le système de loterie de draft, vous pouvez en savoir plus ici – /SeattleKraken/wiki/nhldraft#wiki_nhl_draft_lottery
Shaking the weenie for celebrini
I don’t like that draft sim. I had the soon-to-be-named Stormin’ Mormons win the lottery like 9 times in a row. The NHL is even rigging 3rd party websites.
First year we moved up 1 and last year we slid down 1 (?) spot. Let’s hope we can keep the trend going and move up!
New to hockey, if Kraken do land first overall pick –
How much better in hockey is the number 1 pick than the 8th or 9th pick?
Would first overall be akin to landing Caleb Williams in the NFL? Maybe not Caleb level but like that?
I hate paying for espn+ but can’t watch espn cause I don’t have cable. Fuckin scammers.
Thanks for the explination!!!
So we’re hoping
1) Kraken move up
2) First overall is not a rival Pacific Division team
gotta roll a nat 20 🙏🙏🙏
If we’re buying into conspiracies like with the Hawks, I propose one:
The Knights had their shot, got a cup and blew it in the first round this year. The league wants to now get the ball rolling on respectable playoff appearances for the other new expansion team, to keep hype going or something. Rigrigrig, voila, we get our tentacleenies on Celebrini.