@Blackhawks de Chicago

Kyle Davidson parle des perspectives des Blackhawks et de la façon dont ils pourraient utiliser le deuxième choix au repêchage de la LNH | Mully et Haugh

Au Mully & Haugh Show, le directeur général des Blackhawks, Kyle Davidson, a discuté des perspectives de l’organisation et de la façon dont elle pourrait utiliser le deuxième choix au total lors du repêchage de la LNH à la fin juin. #ChicagoBlackhawks #KyleDavidson #nhl Images miniatures fournies par Getty Images. Abonnez-vous pour les dernières nouvelles et vidéos sportives de Chicago ! HORAIRE DE LA SEMAINE : Spectacle Mully & Haugh | 5h30 à 10h00 CST Spectacle Bernstein & Holmes | 10h00 à 14h00 CST Spectacle Parkins & Spiegel | 14h00 à 18h00 CST Écoutez en direct sur https://t.co/SUrgd6d6uu Regardez en direct sur Twitch sur https://www.twitch.tv/chicago670thescore Suivez 670 the Score sur les réseaux sociaux : https:// www.twitter.com/670thescore https://www.tiktok.com/@670thescore https://www.facebook.com/670TheScore/ https://www.instagram.com/670thescore/?hl=en


  1. I wouldn't have any idea this was a Kyle Davidson interview without the clickbait arrow thumbnail. Thank you admins.

  2. It’s time to start taking step forward… last draft we got lucky and were able to get a generational player… this draft we will get a player who will help out right away… and we have an absurd amount of high level prospects who will be coming up this year and next year. It’s time to bring in good free agents. We are set up nice. Time to start winning

  3. Bedard as a hockey player will be fine. The comparison of supporting a quarterback is not a very good one because Bedard is going to be special regardless. The better way to approach it is, how will the GM make the overall team better and deeper?

  4. …and taking that next WHAT?!? How can you leave me hanging like that. Im going to go with sandwich. Taking that next sandwich.

  5. I just hope that this isn't his ego not wanting to sign FAs. With that answer, I fear he is gonna waste like 6yrs of Bedard's contract before they become competitive.

  6. Stamkos isn’t coming to Chicago and Kane’s not coming back. Can we stop with these pipe dreams. Marner isn’t coming either.

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