@Maple Leafs de Toronto


L’animateur d’OverDrive, Brian Hayes, rejoint 7-Eleven That’s Hockey sur SportsCentre pour discuter de ce qui s’est passé lors de la conférence de presse des Maple Leafs de Toronto, des résultats des séries éliminatoires, des quatre de base et plus encore !


  1. Wow, Hayes knows nothing and were lucky he’s not running the show. He’s that no shoulders geek we all want to bully. How long did it take ovi or yzerman?

  2. Tavares will resign for peanuts after next year and finish out his career as a Leaf IMO. Third line centre for league min. or cut him loose! Marner will not wave IMO and the Leafs will not resign him and will lose him to free agency for nothing! Because a new contract comes with a pay cut and the no wave clause will be not included making a sign and trade very difficult. In any case they are stuck with these guys and they have pretty much no moves to change it. Which is what i think they secretly want. I think Shanahan wants to keep them together and will shrug saying there's nothing they could do!! If anyone gets moved it might be Morgan Reiley!! Or did they give him a no movement clause also? LOL P.S. No movement clauses are stupid and should be outlawed by the league!

  3. Getting rid of Kadri destroyed this team. He was a playoff player! Kept Marner, Tavares, Mathews, and Nylander? Got rid of Hyman and last year O'Reilly. Total joke for a professional organization. Even throughout the regular season, that team who give up 3 goal leads all the time! Soft team through and through. No where near a Cup contender because even if you get rid of Tavares and Marner you're still stuck with Mathews, a total marshmellow that isnt tough enough to lead a team to the cup. Not even close!

  4. Send them to the Marlies like Ottawa did to Wade Redden if they don’t want to waive it.

  5. Whoever is doing TSN designs needs to be fired. Unless you are trying to tell us something with your Sacrifice heading. Bunch of weirdos now in media.

  6. Blame the fans, they have enabled the leafs brass to run the team like money factory.

    Every year they will buy jerseys and merchandise and buy tickets at exorbitant prices.

    If the fans actually cared about winning they would have stopped going to games 50 years ago.

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