@Stars de Dallas

Jared Bednar confus sans appel sur le coup de Toews lors du match 2 contre les Stars

Conférence de presse de Jared Bednar après la défaite de l’Avalanche du Colorado dans le deuxième match à Dallas contre les Stars de Dallas 5-3 pour égaliser la deuxième ronde de la Conférence Ouest de la LNH, 1-1. #nhl #coloradoavalanche


  1. Benn is a horrible player who intends to injure. He barely hit anyone after he head creamed Toews. Horrible person.

  2. Refs cost the Avs that game. They should be up 2-0 right now. Ridiculous by the refs, they need to be removed from the playoffs here on out and fined heavily. Unacceptable.

  3. How do you make a shot to the head anything other than a 5 minute major penalty? Come on dude, it's either a headshot or it's not. It wasn't a headshot, so there's no penalty. You can't suspend players for playing playoff hockey. We watch playoff hockey because it's intense.

    Poor leadership man. Quit complaining about the refs. You're given a best of 7 chance to win. God dude. Grow some balls.

  4. I've watched hockey for decades and I've never been more disappointed in what I watched last night in the officiating. I was so disgusted with the officiating that I shut off the game. I do not understand how the NHL can condone the lopsided and egregious officiating. The game was not a game, it was sickening to watch this. Jamie Benn should have been given a match penalty and should be facing a 1-2 game suspension just like he did to Mark Stone last year. This guy does not have the talent to compete in these playoff games with the talent on the ice and resorts to trying to injure people. It was pretty clear to me, this was about extending a series for ratings at the cost of player health. Absolutely disappointed and disgusted with the NHL over this.

  5. For all the non-informed:
    Hitting someone with the puck – only permitted against an opponent with possession of the puck. Body checking can be penalized when performed recklessly –
    READ THE SECOND SENTENCE until it sinks into your concrete noggin – Jamie Benn should have been given a match penalty for hitting above the shoulders, neck/head area and probably should be looking at a 1-3 game suspension based on last years hit on Mark Stone.

  6. maybe becuase it was a clean hard playoffs hit? there was no head contact, idk why everyone is crying about it

  7. Some of you people are a disgrace to hockey. Shoulder to shoulder hit in the playoffs. Just because it's a big hit doesn't change anything else. The Captain plays big man Texas hockey, sorry Colorado doesn't like that

  8. Bednar is confused about a shoulder to shoulder check that was perfectly legal? The refs reviewed it and got the call 100 percent correct. Toews got hurt because he was not ready for the hit and his head went right into Wyatt Johnston. That is not Jamie Benn's fault.

    Not to mention…..

    This is playoff hockey not the phucking Ice Capades. You need to keep your head UP in high danger areas.

    And last thing to all the Jamie Benn HATERS: WE LOVE IT THAT YOU HATE him. GUESS WHAT? We phucking love it that he lives rent free in your tiny heads! 😂😂😂

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