@Panthers de la Floride

Les fans de Boston se révoltent suite à un appel BRUTAL

Parlons du troisième match des Bruins de Boston contre les Panthers de la Floride de la deuxième ronde des séries éliminatoires de la Coupe Stanley 2024, qui a vu un appel d’interférence controversé presque faire dérailler le match.


  1. Regardless if the crowd was frustrated by their team and the call by officials, they showed no class by throwing trash onto the ice. I believe in cases like these, the home team should be assessed an un-sportsman like conduct or a delay of game penalty for the actions of their fans. as for the actual call, Ekblad should have gotten a holding penalty and that's it. He steered Lauko into Bob, there was no goalie interference on the play.. So yeah, the refs really botched this one.

  2. I literally had no idea. Fans threw things onto the ice until this video. Let’s go cats.

  3. Panthers were my pick to win the cup and, unfortunately, I see no reason to change that.
    They had that misstep in Game 1 but quickly rebounded & re-established themselves as the superior team.
    BOS may win another game but this series is over.
    Sorry, TV execs, but that NY/BOS conference final ain't happening.

  4. The so called fans who boo their own team in tough times are just no fans at all. They are simply there to drink beer and act dumb…they are no true fans. Real fans support their team in toughest times..those r fans. Bs. These booers just go there cause they got nothing better to do with their lives.

  5. I’m a panthers fan. And I totally agree that it was a horrible call. Like honestly, where was Lauko supposed to go? It’s a clear holding penalty.

    We definitely take those but these types of missed calls makes the league look like a joke sometimes.

  6. Two things can be simultaneously true:
    1. The Panthers dominated the Bruins this game.
    2. It was a total horse shit call, and the Panthers seem to be able to get away with murder as far as the refs are concerned… let's not pretend that wasn't the case last year in the playoffs too.

  7. how the table are turn!!! they usually get way with some sketchy calls , so now it is going the other way! And I am fine with it !!

  8. I am not sure that most NHL fans would think of not having Brad Marchand on the roster as a major loss…

  9. while Florida definitely deserved to win this one, I HATE seeing rediculous calls like these in the playoffs. It made me feel similar to the early blown down whistle of Preds Vs Pens many years ago which changed the course of the game and series, it just really irks me and these playoffs I have tried to watch every game complete in full and have seen some horrendous calls. I think B's fans had every right to be pissed off at this one.
    What got me with this game is if there wasn't a goal on this PP is would have been a 1 goal game in the last 8-10 minutes or whatever it was in the third and Boston was coming with energy, debrusk almost put home that late goal and despite Boston playing lacklustre it could have been a far different outcome without calls like this taking place.

  10. Honestly I'm not a Bruins fan or a Florida fan but that holding not being called was pretty fucked for Boston. Power play gave Montour a goal I don't think Florida deserved that power play, bruins started getting some life back after this with the 2 goals, but that power play and Montour goal really threw off thier chance at making a better third period come back. Give the PP to Lauko instead for being held and it might have been a one goal game, and then maybe even tied. Boston had some real close chances by the very end. Debrusk is probably sick over missing just over the crossbar in front of Bob.

    Edit: But yeah I'll agree as said by many, Boston played pretty awful first two periods, and you can't win games like that

  11. Boston fans are lame, just like their team who chokes whenever things get a little tough

  12. Boston lost. That’s all I care about. GO CANUCKS GO!

    P.S. I know, I know… they got a bad bounce in OT. I’m over it already, so trying to chirp me about it won’t do anything. 😜🍻

  13. What do you mean Swayman should've seen the slapper?!?! His OWN teammate completely screened him like he was on the other team!! (Beecher if I recall correctly)

  14. The officiating aside Florida more then deserved to win this game. That being said these officials should have no shot at moving on beyond this series. You can make shit up because you feel like it and that is exactly what this imaginary call is. I would love to see a different angle on the collision that injured Marchand to see if what has been suggested is true or not. That Bennet sucker punched him leading with the but end of his stick. Yes it isn't an easy job and it is a fast game but there is simply no excuse for calls like the one made here because there is nothing to back up the ruling. Till they are ever held accountable nothing will ever get better. They seem to want to be noticeable and way too involved in games. If it had been 1-1 at the time this would still be called when it should never be.

  15. I think the NHL did the bruins dirty by sending them into the next series with a day off

  16. Honestly that's exactly the kind of play I expected from this series! Florida is just a way better team in EVERY aspect!

    Ps. except goaltending where they're tied.

  17. I’m a diehard Bruins fan. Stop looking for excuses. Play like a NHL team already. I’m glad I didn’t waste my time watching this. Big Bad Bruins, yeah right

  18. Weird game and never cool throwing stuff on the ice, but I make it a point not to whine about officiating because it generally goes both ways but even I was going berserk over this. Yea the Bruins played poorly. But this was also a game that was decided by poor officiating (not claiming it's fixed or any of that crap, it does not need to be fixed to just flat suck). There, that's my rant, what are referees?

  19. Nobody agreed with that call except panthers fans. The announcers didn't agree with it, one ref was motioning for a holding penalty not goalie interference.

  20. That’s not even a call in pre season. I say that as a fan who has always despised the bruins

  21. Throwing things must be less with the protective netting at both ends… on top of a possible minor for delay of game🤔

  22. Bruins allowed 12 goals in 2 games while scoring 3 themselves
    Panthers are just skating rings around then.
    Yes, that was a bad call but good lord , you won’t win having 9 shots on goal after 40 mins . Yikes !

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