@Rangers de New York

Joe B vit sa meilleure vie avec les Knicks et les Rangers qui font des courses

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  1. Joe B is the best! Tiki is not good on the radio. Sorry he’s a good guy but he’s not good on the radio.

  2. I agree with Joe. These playoff runs are fun but I need a night off. Every Knicks game has nearly put me into cardiac arrest😂

  3. Joe doesn’t deserve to this team! His anti-Ewing agenda over the years has been sickening! Couldn’t just discuss the current Knicks, without taking a shot! What an ingrate, what were the post Ewing years like, 20 plus years of irrelevant basketball!

  4. Devils fan here I hate the rangers but if I have to be happy for someone if they win it all, it’s Joe B!!

  5. This was totally awesome. I had forgot and missed the first 2 hours, though. Joe rules

  6. Teams that people care about in NY ranked best to last

    1. Yankees
    2. Mets
    3. Knicks
    4. Rangers
    5. Cowboys, Steelers, 49ers, Packers
    6. Giants
    7. Jets

  7. Love you guys back together even if for a fleeting moment. I was not jumping for joy when they hired Lavi. So glad I was wrong. Knicks what can you say. What more can you ask from a team than just lay it out night in and night out. Un freaking believable. Yes I need a break too. I'm f. .ing exhausted. LETS GO KNICKS LET'S GO RANGERS ❤

  8. All of a sudden Evan looks older than Joe. 😂 Evan, sit up straight, shave the beard, grab a shower and hit the gym. You'll thank me later…😊

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