@Bruins de Boston

Jim Montgomery : « Je dois donner aux joueurs un MEILLEUR plan de jeu » | Bruins vs Panthers G3 après-match

BOSTON — Les Panthers ont assuré une avance de 2-1 dans la série contre les Bruins grâce à une victoire écrasante de 6-2, considérablement renforcée en marquant quatre buts en avantage numérique. Dans son interview d’après-match, l’entraîneur des Bruins, Jim Montgomery, a donné un ton sérieux, déclarant : « Probablement pas le temps pour les blagues. » Il a reconnu les lacunes de l’équipe, ajoutant : « Je dois donner aux joueurs un meilleur plan, vous savez, la Floride était bien meilleure que nous. Je dois trouver un meilleur plan de match. » Participez à l’excitation avec PrizePicks, l’application de sports fantastiques n°1 aux États-Unis, où vous pouvez transformer vos connaissances en cerceaux en argent important. Téléchargez l’application aujourd’hui et utilisez le code CLNS pour un premier dépôt jusqu’à 100 $ ! Choisissez-en plus. Choisissez moins. C’est si facile! La saison de football est peut-être terminée, mais l’action sur le terrain s’intensifie. Qu’il s’agisse de la saison des tournois ou de la lutte pour les séries éliminatoires sur le terrain, les moments de basket-ball à enjeux élevés ne manquent pas à cette période de l’année. Des retraits rapides, un gameplay facile et une vaste sélection de joueurs et de types de statistiques font de PrizePicks l’application quotidienne de sports fantastiques n°1 ! Fini les incertitudes liées à l’achat de billets NBA avec Gametime. Téléchargez l’application Gametime, créez un compte et utilisez le code CLNS pour 20 $ de réduction sur votre premier achat. Téléchargez Gametime aujourd’hui. Billets de dernière minute. Prix ​​le plus bas. Garanti. Des conditions s’appliquent. ————————————————– ————————————————– —————————– Bienvenue sur la chaîne YouTube du #CLNS Media Network pour le hockey des #Bruins de Boston. CLNS Media est le principal fournisseur en ligne de couverture audio/vidéo des sports de Boston. Obtenez un accès intérieur complet aux Bruins au TD Garden, aux patins du jour du match au Warrior et partout sur la route. Les initiés accrédités de CLNS #NHLBruins Mike « Trags » Petraglia, Evan Marinofski, Conor Ryan et Joe « Haggs » Haggerty. Fournir des informations et des analyses instantanées en temps réel, ainsi qu’un accès complet aux vidéos complètes des joueurs, des entraîneurs, des propriétaires et de tous les autres utilisateurs de Causeway Street. Pour les Celtics, Patriots, Red Sox, College Hoops, NBA History, primés par le CLNS, rendez-vous ici sur les chaînes en vedette – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiP7KyKodc3OHuN_XhEyPPw?sub_confirmation=1


  1. Been a Bruins fans a long long time we don’t have the fire power to match the opponent. Effort is there the goals just aren’t. Back to back pp goals were killers.

  2. gotta try going with ullmark with his numbers against florida. they clearly need to win games 3-2 or 2-1 with a goalie standing on his head

  3. This is an example of a soft coaching staff that equals a soft team.

    There's no goalie, player, evenly refereed game, ice surface, etc., that's going to help this Bruins team.

    Yes, aside from the epic #88 David Pastrnak Game 7 OT goal, and #1 Jeremy Swayman's performance: they're done, for the 2023/24 season.

    There's always next year.

  4. When a head coach says “I don’t know” in response to why they aren’t playing well, explains it all. That’s why they had 8 shots in two periods. Because the coach doesn’t know

  5. Bruins fan here. I told my son 2 months ago the Bruins were imposters and would get the crap kicked into them in the playoffs. They were only high in the standings because they had a lot of OT losses (2nd most in the league) which got them points. But they were still LOSSES. Bruins season will be over Tuesday night. Bruins only beat Leafs because of a crazy bounce from the corner. All those poor saps that paid big money for tix at TD Garden to see the Bruins take 17 lousy shots ( a whole EIGHT thru 2 periods ) in a Stanley Cup playoff game. Northeastern Women's team could put up a better fight here.

  6. How bout we need a better goalie, you can’t commit to one side as a goalie, they’re picking him apart.

    It’s the playoffs, put some ffing effort 👍🏻

  7. You need better management of the puck, more effort in skating, glasses…for sway, and more FIRE from the coach! Where’s the passion? Where’s the grit? You have to be better as a whole, no excuses.

  8. Jim, please sit down with Charlie Coyle and remind him he is the friggin 1st line center for the Bs! He has got to score!! Zacha too. Come on!! Liked the McAvoy/Lohrei pairing. Give Brazeau and Beecher ice time!!!

  9. How about the game plan the B's were using in the third period when they came damn close to making it a one goal game. Try that at the START of the game, not the last 15 minutes.

  10. the move to get rid of Cassidy will be looked back as a huge blunder for a guy who had a drinking problem… pathetic.

  11. This team finally got burned by their top 2 centers showing who they TRULY are. Coyle has been a joke in the playoffs since 2019(minus 20). Zacha has never scored. The team also badly misread McAvoy thinking he was a big-time defenseman. He has cost them for years.

  12. Boston is simply outclassed on every aspect of the game. Swayman is shook. Start Ullmark and maybe the team will step up

  13. Monty's system is not built for the playoffs, but great for the regular season. Players are often out of place to make the right play and appear too inconsistent when a team has time to prepare for them, because they don't make meaningful adjustments to what is now being done to them. Grant it, Florida is more talented, but from the outside, when Toronto (arguably a soft run & gun built team without a strong defense) started following Florida's style or blueprint in games 5-7 – they all of a sudden looked like defensive world beaters against them. I do give Monty monster props for taking accountability here and do believe he can figure this thing out, although he will probably need more talent at key positions to go all the way.

  14. Yes and that was great but at look at the following next to games 2, We have no consistency and our shots on goal at times our unacceptable if we are even gonna come close against this team.

  15. we were not meant to get this far. I love florida fans all hyped up that they re winning against the weakest roster in the playoffs. It's over look at how they are playing. This team is capable of the play they showed in gm 1 for 5-6-7 games no worries when they are healthy.

  16. You cannot win if your team doesn't win the Board Battles against a good forechecking team. Clearing the puck is a state of mind knowing your going to get hit and you will out work the other team to clear the puck. Mentally tough teams beat forechecking teams like Florida. Vice Versa against Opponent on Offense you dump, forecheck and out work and skate in O-Zone.

  17. They haven't played a full 3 periods of hockey since game 6 vs Toronto. Either these games are RIGGED or they have lost faith in this coach, his leadership and his game plan. Changes need to be made in Boston. Bruin fans will not tolerate this BS any longer.

  18. Was the puck really "hopping over" the bruins stick or was the announcer just being nice cuz of bruins were missing the puck with stick?

  19. Coach has no answers. Saying that we have to be better is not enough, execution and planning is. Actions over words. End of the day, this Boston team is not good enough and are deflated. That goes back to coaching.

  20. Not that complicated.
    Hustle and tenacity.
    Basically as per usual they are being out hustled to and on the puck.
    Whatever the so called game plan is, losing the small hustle and tenacity battles and I'll add faceoffs you have no chance against the Panthers.

  21. The bruins getting here have far exceeded my expectations for this season. They don't have a true core anymore. They gave up everything to go all in on nothing last season. Pasta is the only real goal scorer and dissappears in the playoffs every year. Not exactly tough to defend against. Marchand is getting older, slower and more injury prone. McAvoy is a constant let down. This is a decent regular season team and that's exactly what they were built to be. Never get your hopes up for the bruins in the playoffs.

  22. Bruce Cassidy held his men accountable. The Bruins couldn't handle it… grown ass men being paid buku bucks couldn't handle a real head coach. He left and immediately won a cup with a team that had some brass between their legs. Meanwhile, we get Monty doling out the 12 step program in between periods.

  23. Jim your only win is game 1!! you guys are playing just like the leafs series! slow and sloppy!!

  24. I would honestly consider scratching or demoting Zacha lower in the lineup. He’s making blind passes that are turning over and ending in the back of sway’s net, taking bad penalties, while contributing nothing offensively. Lauko and others are hungrier wingers who will do more with those minutes, until zacha wakes up

  25. The Bruins went in with no plan, no clue. Coach doesn't know what he's seeing, and isn't standing up for his players to the refs. He's being badly outcoached. Doesn't even say word one about the reffereering because the team is playing like it has no direction. Blaming the officiating will seem like excuses, but he doesn't ever stand up to the refs. Once proud team being bitch slapped all over the ice. Golf course is waiting.

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