@Canadiens de Montréal

Cette pièce de Marchand/Bennett est certainement controversée…

Playoffs de la LNH 2024 – La série Panthers de la Floride contre Bruins de Boston a été enflammée sur la glace et dans les tribunes comme nous l’avons vu hier soir. Un jeu particulier de Sam Bennett Brad Marchand et une blessure qui a suivi se sont produits aujourd’hui avec Jim Montgomery et Paul Maurice chacun pesant, ce qui a ajouté encore plus d’huile sur le feu dans une série éliminatoire qui était déjà chaude. La LNH met en lumière aujourd’hui le troisième match des séries éliminatoires de la Coupe Stanley 2024 Panthers vs Bruins après Matthew Tkachuk, David Pastrnak et même Brandon Montour, Brad Marchand, ces deux-là construisent une solide rivalité. Matchs éliminatoires de la LNH aujourd’hui #nhl #highlights #nhlplayoffs #hockey


  1. The dog shit play by Boston where they had 8 shots on goal over 40 minutes was the most controversial.

  2. Marchand is a snake. He goes out intentionally looking to hurt people all the time. He dives all the time. He instigated that hit. And in a split second decision, you're seriously gonna look at this and try to say Bennett intended to injure him? What an absolute joke.

    Bruins fans are so hypocritical that it's embarrassing. If Marchand hit someone and they got hurt (which happens alot.) You'd all be here saying "ohhh go cry some more! You can't handle a hit, that was clean! Marchand is in your heads, lets go Bruins!!!

    Give me a break.

  3. Not going to lie this is the type of hit that kadri would’ve reacted to with a suspendible reaction. Although this is the second year in a row Bennett has done a controversial move and injuried a player(Matthew knies last season)

  4. Anyone complaining about that hit on the Rat King himself, is ridiculous. Bruin fans should be ashamed of themselves.

  5. Are you kidding me? He’s finally got a taste of his own medicine.
    I hope he’s not seriously hurt, but he’s done worse to other players

  6. Ok let’s be honest both had bad intentions with this collision but Bennett came out on top. Marchand re-invented what it means to be a rat and bennet is playing similar if not exactly how Steve Moore. Bennett is lucky no one acts anywhere close to how Todd bertuzzi does.

  7. I don’t think it’s a hot topic at all. Two guys collided in a contact sport. Oh no the sky is falling!

  8. Heavy reaching and sore loser vibes from anyone who thinks that isn’t just a normal hockey play.

  9. Every time something doesn't go bruins way they throw crap on the ice total scumbags. Just what I would expect from Boston trash fans

  10. New opinion: It was, in my eyes a sucker punch from Bennett to the face of Marchand. But, I read somewhere down below "fuck around and find out" that M is going for the hit, and gets roughed up. Would not be a call the other way round either, and your might find it a bit dirty, you get what you give.

  11. really??? the argument is look up bennets history….. when we're talking about a hit against the dirtiest player with the worst history brad the rst marchand!!!


  12. Marchand been getting away with this shit his whole career. Keep his ass on the bench and let their season end

  13. Of course Bennett sucker punched Marchand. That is what he is best at the dirty punk. He did the same thing last season to Kiles on the Leafs. And what is with the referees not calling a penalty – what are they blind? The Pantherpunks have had 15 poweplays so far – how is that fair?

  14. Look at Marchy’s head snap. If you can’t see the blatant punch to the head you need glasses. It wasn’t a reverse hit. It was a sucker punch. Clear as day. History doesn’t matter. The fact the league can see this in slow mo and doesn’t do anything about it is absurd. One of the best players in the series out for the rest of it. Idc that Florida is by far the better team. It’s going to keep happening if the league doesn’t do anything about it. Bennetts a coward. So is the league.

  15. Rib injury is highly likely in this instance. Thats where the most contaxt was made and the rat looked like he was in pain and folded directlty after contact not from thr boards.

  16. bennett is a piece of garbage
    he is one of the dirtiest players in the league
    the comments here must all be from dumb little kids
    oh the times we live in where people hate others for dumb reasons and they just cant have respect for others who disagree with them
    its sad that sports have become this way
    im not a florida or boston fan but im a hockey fan and i can respect the players on both teams and enjoy watching them play

  17. That’s a great clean hit. Stop crying. There is hitting in hockey and if you don’t like it watch figure skating

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