@Oilers d'Edmonton

Quand les séries éliminatoires de la LNH deviennent controversées

#nhl #hockey #vancouvercanucks Les Oilers d’Edmonton ont remporté une grosse victoire contre les Canucks de Vancouver lors du deuxième match, alors plongeons-nous dans le match et ce que cela signifie pour le reste de la série et les séries éliminatoires de la LNH. Musique présentée par blaowry Suivez-le sur ⏩ https://www.instagram.com/blaowry/ https://youtube.com/channel/UCeHAyP3nx4LWPArr9Mca0nQ https://www.beatstars.com/blaowry


  1. that 4 minute penalty call they blew could have changed the entire dynamic of the game. Even though we lost I'm proud of every Canuck on the team. We had to play 2 teams last night. The Refs and the Oilers. I mean when your bleeding evidence all over the ice and the refs dont even conference together its complete horses#!*

  2. The fact that Edmonton fans are complaining about officiating at all after that game 🤣🤣 you only won because of Kelly Sutherland and his hatred for Vancouver. Hopefully Edmonton will complain more and we’ll actually have fair officiating next game 🤦‍♂️

  3. That couldn't have been a better tip even if the oilers paid him… Ian Cole is on my shit list

  4. Boarding hit threw Pettersson head first into the boards early in the game, missed high stick, the two slew foots. These are all blatant penalties whether its the playoffs or not.

  5. Bad/missed calls for both sides, so im not going to complain about the officiating.
    What pissed me off was that hugh stick by McDavid. It was as deliberate as deliberate could be.
    He's the class of the keague?
    Fuck him

  6. felt like there wasnt even ref absoltely poor if this is the performance im seeing he should be fired absolutely terrible

  7. I thought this game was a treat to watch, sure there were some missed calls but the skill between these two canadian teams is amazing

  8. I STILL do not understand why the SN panel highlighted that "too many men" non-call. You see that play in damn near every hockey game. A play doesn't become too many men just because a puck is dumped near a player changing. They have a 5 foot leeway near the bench, assuming the player changing doesn't make any attempt to play the puck. It's absolutely asinine that with all the dirty, dangerous plays in this game that anyone is even talking about that.

  9. Ref's SUCKED. ROYALLY! 4 officials could have called that McD high stick! "Lalalala… Huh? What? Sorry, something in my eye!" "Mine too!" "Mine three!" "Mine for them!" But NO / ZERO consistency throughout the game too! They made that Suter call on McD, then let A TONNE of similar or worse trips go without a nod. And then the Pettersson boarding NON-CALL? Had that been McD, BOOM 5 Mins and under review! And then the groin SPEAR/whatever you want to call it… Damn, HOW CAN 8 EYES ON THE ICE miss SO BLOODY MUCH? (Or, did they?) 🤔😡

  10. If it takes 27 minutes from the opposing sides best players and an own goal for the oilers to win we'll be fine. It might be boring but when we get a lead simply waste time.

  11. When the refs call too many penalties, people say: "Can't the refs just let them play?"

  12. Scumbag should have volunteered for the 4 mi double minor. You're a role model Connor be better. Quinn Hughes getting the American College defenseman treatment. Everyone allowed to tee off on him with no consequences. For examples, see Keith Ballard. Fucking absolute bullshit.

  13. That was a POS move by Derek Ryan. What's with Oilers and spearing groins? Terrible.
    Also Kane's slewfoot.

  14. Interesting you say “the big dogs showed up to play…” and state their ice time. Had the refs made the call on McDavid he would have 5 minus less due to a 5 minute major. I hate that there is nothing in place to allow this to just not be called.

  15. The McDavid high-stick was 100% a double minor penalty. It was missed. Just like the 26 interfering picks and cross-checks McDavid is taking every game. Everyone needs to calm their girly emotions and realize that it’s the playoffs and these are men playing very rough and at times, dirty. Both teams. All the time. Stop being such whiny pansies and begging for calls.

  16. Half of NHL fans: “McDavid is nothing but a dirty player!!!” “He’s a diver!” “McWhiner!!!”
    Other half: “He’s no leader!” “McWimp is too soft!” “Oh yeah? How many cups does he have?!?”

    The guy’s doing his best to try to win, FFS! You can’t have it both ways. He’s not dirty, nor is he a whiner (literally, not more than anyone else in the league), he’s one of the most hacked/grabbed players in the league, and he’s trying to show that he’s got grit to get his team to the next level. Sometimes you have to get your hands a little dirty… But man, oh man, are the excuses and conspiracy theories swirling around like crazy. 🙄 Relax, it’s just a f*cking game.

  17. Pretry sure the refs are just not calling slew-foot penelties. B-rat marchand go a blatant season ender on timmie lilegren in the start of the season.

  18. The thing is the refs do have a tough job. The game is so fast now and if we didnt have slow motion replays we wouldnt see shit either. The only way this would ever get better is to have refs watching the games and calling things from hq.

  19. Canucks fans acting like their team are the Angels out there. It’s nice to see the Oilers getting into the trenches with the other teams for once. They didn’t deserve game one or two, be happy you’re tied at one nucks.

  20. lots of stuff goes uncalled but the high stick is just inexcusable. Hughes was even forced back to the bench because he was still leaking when he tried to come out for a shift. A 4 min powerplay with mcdavid in the box would have completely shifted the momentum of the game.

  21. That so many ignoramus hockey fans here try to defend the reffing by trying to justify the Oilers 100% deserved to win this game, just shut the fuq up, that's not how sports work. 🤦‍♂ There are plenty of instances where the more dominant team lost a game they probably should have won.

  22. I love your breakdown and I love how you educate everyone on different defenses and offenses and strategies to defend both. Love the nicknames for everybody and teams alike. Especially your Toronto parade update which is officially canceled. Let’s go Edmonton come on guys let McDavid get his flowers.

  23. I love your site. I don't have time to watch all of the games, but you manage to put together a great synopsis of the games. Thank you.

  24. Mc david tired of getting run and interfered with constantly gives back a bit itvisnt a right move but i can understand his frustration probably 10 no calls on penalties prior to this

  25. Great job at breaking down offensive and defensive systems. The playoffs are truly a chess match and favors teams that can adapt on the fly.

  26. That zadorov goal was pathetic. Is skinner even capable of reacting??? slow shot, perfect LOS.. all he needs to do is shrug his shoulders..

  27. The officiating in the post season is horrible. You could do episode just on blown calls alone. Not sure whos worse the NHL or the NBA 😂. The NHL should be ashamed of itself…. but it thinks its 💩 don't stink.

  28. Great analysis – consider name change to "Hockey Professor". Anyways, I think the lousy officiating is a Bettman365 'play' – make the officiating so terrible for both Canadian teams to beat each other up and injure there star players so that whichever team goes on to face Stars/Avs is wrecked. I am an Oiler fan and thought that high stick should have been called on McDavid. But then there where so many non-calls on the Canucks as well. Disgraceful NHL which puts entertainment first, competition second, and Canadian teams last. BTW, new sub!

  29. There was missed calls on both sides ..but an obvious high stick by McDavid on Hughes that drew blood could have changed the outcome of the game….the coaches should be able to go to review video in such a case where the "REFS"…."SAY" they didn't see it.

  30. Are we ever gonna get a video about the panthers by chance? I know there's been controversial calls in that series and I'm a panthers fan. Many calls for us not called and against… additionally. I'd love to know how the panthers are pulling this off in depth from you. You have a great insight to the game and for someone still finding new ways to learn about the game hearing from you would be great!

  31. Missed double minor has a 6% impact on the amount of men on the ice for the total game. Bettman is a joke

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