Bryan Mudryck de TSN aujourd’hui : « J’ai parlé à Kent Hughes chez les U18 en Finlande, il a dit qu’il fallait un joueur spécial pour prospérer à MTL avec la pression en tant que choix n°1 et Juraj est le gars pour le faire. Il a une grande personnalité, il est drôle, il a beaucoup d’esprit dans la salle, tout ce qu’il veut, c’est gagner.
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what I’m loving about our management is they are really looking at the mental part of the player too.
It’s something I love about Jacob Fowler too. They’re so tough mentally and they got the attitude where they wanna prove everybody how good they are and can be
Honestly wright might turn good but just seeing the kind of attitude and emotions he seems to have he would have been crushed in mtl.. Slaf was the right pick, amazing work by HuGo!
He already has a motto, personal or not:
All he wants to do is win.
I could not love this kid more.