@Maple Leafs de Toronto

Hayes : « Je le croirai quand je verrai que le mouvement des joueurs se produit » | Surmultipliée

Bryan Hayes, Jeff O’Neill et Jamie McLennan discutent de la disponibilité médiatique de la direction des Maple Leafs de Toronto, pensez-vous qu’ils apporteront des changements importants à l’équipe et un mini pourcentage de Gerry sur s’il y aura des changements ou non.


  1. Hayes is right; nothing will happen. The sheep will line up to buy tickets and merch no matter what they cost and no matter who is on the ice. They always have, they always will, and the owners know that. Hell, I betcha Marner and Tavares both re-sign this year.

  2. Just think how different this team would be if they had chosen Lou Lamoriello instead of Kyle Dubas as the GM. With Lou its all about the crest on the front of the jersey not the name on the back!!

  3. Keith Pelly is fully aware if Shanahan goes, it 5 years before the Leafs can contend. Yet he's now a proven failure and so's Treliving.

  4. Marner for sure. Everything is just a joke for him it’s time for him to grow up with another team. Tavares doesn’t have the speed he used to but he’s still a great grinder. Reilly I’m on the fence. He really needs some help but he has given up some really bad goals that he should have easily been able to intercept. Sammy he is so hot and cold that if he was an automobile I would have traded it in a long time ago. Nylander when he gives a shit about playing he’s great but he really needs to start going after the puck in his own end when the other team has it. Matthews is fine but the other players have gotta start shooting more and not make it so obvious that they are just playing around trying to give it to him because they feel he’s the only one that can score. Seeing as we are stuck with Matthews and Nylander for the foreseeable future we should really try and free up the rest of those big $$$ players and start building a strong defence/goalie core so that every goal the Leafs score doesn’t go right back into their next 30 seconds later.

  5. Saw this happening the day they chose Dubas as GM and Keefe as coach. Both unproven and this is the end result. Honestly they need to trade everyone from Matthews to the bottom line players and rebuild the right way. Firing Keefe was a good start. Now make those necessary trades and don’t screw it up again

  6. The fact they took til now is crazy. Losing a 3-1 lead to that Montreal team with an interim coach should have been the end of the core.

  7. Tonight, McD and Draisaitl, 4 points each in a critical round two game two playoff game. PLAYOFF PERFORMERS! Toronto's core 4? Not!!

  8. No because they are a Jersey Selling Regular season club that turn into crying bros that play Junior in the playoffs. Sick of them. 45 year Maple Leafs Fan and I have never wanted them to dump a contract for pucks like Marners ever. What a ghost in playoffs. No dipsy doodle fancy schmancy moves at all.

  9. Player momentum ha
    … never happen
    what dies player momentum
    mean – nothing – bullshit word salad
    The Leafs are worse off than they ever were

  10. None of the big name players are getting traded. Maybe a Nick Robertson or Timothy Liljegren will get moved but none of the big names are going anywhere.

  11. Maybe MLSE will only do something drastic when all the other Canadian NHL teams start surpassing them in the standings. The Leafs have no draft capital left and nobody in the AHL to use as a trade chips. Still have to wait on prospects Minten and Cowan. Eerily similar to Pittsburgh Penguins situation except their core players are Crosby, Malkin, Letang and Karlsson are much older.

  12. The players underperformed in the playoffs. Not the coaches. A team that was second in the league in goals then disappeared in the playoffs.

  13. The leafs can’t beat Boston, Boston can’t beat Florida! We have a long way to go before this team is anything other than a first round and down club.

  14. O DOG you are wrong wrong wrong !! Thank you Hayes for correcting him . you CANNOT compare the Canes situation to the LEafs .Not even close .The Canes won a Cup in 2006.ONly 18 years ago .And they have made the conference finals 3 times since that Cup . .It has been 57 for the LEafs .Cannot compare the 2 at all .If the LEafs won the Cup in 2005 and made the conference finals 3 more times after that fans would still be content even with this streak of playoff failures .i dont know about the rest of you but I just want to see ONE just ONE damm Cup ( or at least a Finals appearance ) in my lifetime .Then I will be happy !!

  15. Yes absolutely .The LEafs brass knows that the fans are dumb and will keep buying tickets no matter what .Cant really blame them really Think about it .If you own a business and you produce a crappy product ,and people keep buying it .WOuld you change it ?? lol

  16. Leafs action plan this offseason.
    -Lean out the roster and attempt to move JT and Marner. Both probably stay until the spring.
    Replace some of the free agents with your Marlies players.
    Get defenseman and forwards back for Marner. You should have pulled the trigger on Boeser or Konecy when they were available. Hanifin or Chychrun as well.
    Get a pick and prospects for JT. Maybe you can swing Bennett or another Top 9 centre for JT. But you have to keep expectations realisitic.
    Get Chychrun or another Top 4 defensemen.
    Sign Stolarz and start Woll or Make a trade for Ullmark.
    You have 9 million off the books so you have a lot to play around with.

  17. I’m team Hayes on this one. O’Neil can say whatever this team, that team… what he doesn’t understand that the bar is so low, people I just wanting them to win a fn round or two. How about starting with getting SHOTS! on the power play?! Is that too much to ask for?!

  18. Pelley copping to only a month of being there and not knowing about the last ten years of Leaf history let alone when Pelley worked for Rogers before he left for Europe. Cop out!

  19. Dubas has ruined the leafs for years to come ! Hayes is SOOOO Rite and ODG is Sooo wrong .In the end the Laffs are handcuffed bc of BAD no trade contracts and BAD decisions that were sanctioned by ONE MAN SHANAHAN……….! IF we as fans know whats wrong and what has been lacking WHY didn't Shany who gets PAID to know it..! No trade to No snot Nylander and Marner ???????? Come onnnnnnn !!

  20. The odonkey might be one of the worst analyst in hockey. He just embarrasses himself daily. Listen to Hayes and you hear a real professional

  21. The worst thing possible that happened to Mitch was playing as part of the Leafs Core 4. I expect Mitch to get traded and win a Stanley Cup like Kadri & Kessel did.

    Leaf players win cups after they are traded out of Toronto. Can you imagine if Marchand mentors Marner to properly back check to his own net and play like Marchand in the playoffs. 😀

  22. One thing that they touched upon here is how the reaction from the fans et al. if/when they get going good again next season. This is problematic because I've been the opposite; when the Leafs get off to an average-ish start, I'm usually most critical, and what they've done every year has proven it. They come out and have pretty good seasons, not too great, as they're often nearer to the wild card position than the division lead. Look at Boston this year. They were fire hot to start the season, ended a little bit on the slower side, and only dropped out of first spot in the division near the end. They maintained home ice advantage though, and that's the one thing the Leafs have no had in the majority of these game 7s played, especially those against Boston.

    Another thing is despite the tremendous record that Keefe had during his tenure in Toronto as head coach throughout the regular season (over 60% win rate), you also have to consider the fact that a lot of these games are played against worse teams with fewer chances to win compared to the teams who can and will. Beating up on a San Jose team and some others will help your stats look much better than they are, but I'm willing to bet (and I haven't done any math to confirm this), but my hunch would be that if you examined the Leafs numbers vs contending teams, they'd actually be closer to the .500 mark. After all, given their track record, they're a sub .500 team in the playoffs. That's simply not good enough. Even Boston and other teams occasionally get a 4-0 sweep, or a 4-1 series win. The Leafs SIMPLY CANNOT DO THIS!

    My analysis: You have to get rid of Marner or Tavares, or both if possible, and especially if they can bring back decent returns, which Marner should be able to do, and Tavares most likely as well. Johnny T deserves a chance at a cup, and if he really wants to do it in Toronto, he'll train extremely hard this off season to look his best next season, if he's still around. He's 33 years old, and nearing the end of his career in all likelihood, but he's not been producing these past few years as well as he could have. Marner is great in the regular season, then doesn't show up in the postseason. I really do think a different environment would be more suited for him, though just the same if you look at players the Leafs had but no longer do like Zach Hyman, it's also a scary thought that these players might just perform better outside of the spotlight and scrutiny of the Toronto press.

    Frankly, I think Rielly should stay. He's far from the single cause of the Leafs failures. He's a D-man ffs. They don't generally score beaucoup goals, and while he was on the ice for the game winner vs Boston, that was a likely situation given a team only has maybe 6-8 d-men on the team. Somebody has to be out there when it happens! The lack of goal scoring is the crux of the issue here, not one solitary d-man who yes, is the longest tenured player there. They do need an improvement in that position, as much as they need a NEW GOALIE. Woll looks good sometimes when he's healthy, but just the same, I wouldn't want to give him the keys to the car.

    Knowing the Leafs, they'll s–t the bed this year on most of these things, make one or two minor (maybe one major) move in the Summer, hope the team does well next year and do their best to limp into the playoffs, maybe. We'll see…

  23. This core has had 2 coaches, psycho Babcock and push over Keefe. Move Marner, Reilly get a goalie and sign Zadorov as a free agent.

  24. Pelley was there for one simple reason. To send a message that this will not be tolerated anymore. Everyone from the President/GM to the waterboy is on his radar, and results is all that matters. The honeymoon and grace period are done. Time for results… Go big or go home

  25. I always forget with these three guys, which one is Curly and which one is Moe….Come on you guys! Did you think that Keith Pelley was going to step off a plane after 8 years of being immersed in the professional golf world and fire Shanahan because the team lost in overtime of game 7? And what if he did fire Shanahan and replace him with someone else? What is that person going to do? Fire Treliving after one season? I get that you guys get paid to complain, not to think, but the guys who do get paid to think aren't going to blow up the team in a fit of distemper and be left with nothing. They fired the coach – that was easy and obvious and now they have to explore what is possible in the area of player changes to be ready for their next game – which is in October.

  26. Shanaplan brings Dubas which brings overpaid players bad moves no cap room. Shanahan doesn’t deserve to keep his job

  27. Pelley should have walked in and fired Shanahan, Treliving and Keefe. Start with a new vision that isn’t connected to Shanahan and his 1 playoff series win in 10 seasons. 🤡

  28. Take away the C from Tavares. Move Rielly, Marner, Reaves, and Tavares. Rid their salary.

  29. I know these players have contractual control however, apart from Matthews and Nylander being safe due to their new contracts taking affect, you have to do something with the other 3. I know there's a chance they all say no to waiving their clauses but there's a chance 1 , maybe even 2 of them do it. One of the problems with this core is they've heard for 8 years now that " they're untouchable". They never said they're safe or they don't think moving on from them is feesable. They've heard " they're untouchable". Take it for what it is, but I think you approach all 3 of them ( Marner, Tavares and Rielly) and tell them you have zero intention of bringing them back. You have 2 choices. First choice is to help this along, waive your clauses and submit a list of teams. Second choice is you say no, come back and play your contract out but the team/ organization is moving on from you and you're gonna play your last season here, on a contract year. Best case scenario, 1 or multiple players waive their clauses and you make appropriate/ necessary moves to better this team. Worst case scenario, they say no. So you run it back, suck it up for a year and let them walk. It sucks to let them walk for nothing but at the end of the day, you won't bring them back, you'll have a ton of cap room to so sign players needed. I'm not sure how it will turn out. I hope all 3 of them say okay, we'll waive and here's a list of teams. Problem is, I think everyone has to realize, those lists can be short and it may consist of teams that either don't want that player, can't facilitate a respectable trade or don't have the cap space to sign them. What if they submit a list of 10 or 12 teams and none of those teams can work out a deal? I don't know but I think a lot of people may be disappointed if/ when they come back and say no to waiving their clauses. Either way, I think you have to approach them and have that discussion. Not only for those players, but ALL players. You have to send the message that, even if you seem contractually safe, we will trade you or let you walk if you don't step it up and commit to this team .

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