@Canadiens de Montréal

Andrew Raycroft réagit au non-appel controversé des Bruins contre les Panthers #nhl

L’analyste de NESN Bruins, Andrew Raycroft, rejoint Gresh & Fauria pour réagir au non-appel controversé de l’interférence du gardien de but qui a donné le feu vert aux Panthers dans le match 4. N’oubliez pas de vous abonner ! https://www.youtube.com/weeivideo 📡 ÉCOUTER EN DIRECT ➡️ https://www.audacy.com/weei/listen 📺REGARDER EN DIRECT ➡️ http://weei.com/watch 💻REGARDER EN DIRECT SUR TWITCH ➡️ http:/ /twitch.tv/bostonweei Téléchargez l’application Audacy aujourd’hui et diffusez votre WEEI où que vous soyez ! ➡️ https://go.audacy.com/y-listen-live-weei SUIVEZ-NOUS : TWITTER – https://twitter.com/WEEI INSTAGRAM : https://www.instagram.com/weeisports/ FACEBOOK : https : //www.facebook.com/WEEI/ Images miniatures avec l’aimable autorisation de Getty Images/USA Today Network.


  1. Bruins issues….they can't get the puck out of the defensive zone to save their lives, the offense has been pathetic, and towards that end…..playing Maroon is a waste of a spot, Florida isn't taking the bait. Play the young kids on the fourth line!!! And finally the league offices are never going to give the B's a fair shake.

  2. It’s hilarious to me all the issues everybody has with Bennett’s “sucker punch”, but when Pasta winds up and punches Lundell it’s a flop. Marchand played two periods after the Bennett hit and didn’t come out until he checked Stenlund’s chin with his forehead

  3. if boston played the puck instead of the man, maybe they'd stop humiliating themselves in front of the entire hockey world.

  4. Benny was just trying to protect himself as marchand was ready to give a high elbow im pretty sure its how marchand fell along the boards that he got injured. Bottom line the panthers are heads above better than the bruins and are just as dirty

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