@Devils du New Jersey

En tête de liste, les nouveaux entraîneurs-chefs des Devils du New Jersey et des Maple Leafs de Toronto !

Dans cette vidéo, je discute des rumeurs les plus récentes concernant les candidats entraîneurs en chef. Il y a beaucoup d’entraîneurs de renom disponibles cet été et de nombreuses équipes de la LNH sont à la recherche d’un nouveau patron de banc. Deux de ces équipes sont les Devils du New Jersey et les Maple Leafs de Toronto. Les noms liés à ces deux équipes sont Craig Berube et Todd McLellan, et en tête du peloton des Devils se trouvent l’ancien entraîneur des Maple Leafs Sheldon Keefe et l’ancien entraîneur des Oilers d’Edmonton Jay Woodcroft. Y aura-t-il d’autres noms ajoutés à la liste et il faudra attendre et voir à mesure que les séries éliminatoires de la LNH se terminent et que l’intersaison se poursuit. #newjerseydevils #torontomapleleafs #njdevils #craigberube #sheldonkeefe #jaywoodcroft Pour les opportunités d’affaires, envoyez-moi un message sur Instagram @ The Hockey Skatedown @TSkatedown Suivez-moi sur Instagram @ thehockeyskatedown Suivez-moi sur Facebook @ hockey skatedown Images utilisées en vidéo avec Fair Use. L’utilisation équitable est une doctrine de la loi américaine qui autorise une utilisation limitée de matériel protégé par le droit d’auteur sans avoir à obtenir au préalable l’autorisation du détenteur du droit d’auteur.


  1. Heard Berube was interviewing with Winnipeg today 😮 anyone NJD hire is an immediate upgrade from Travis Green 😊 LFGD 💥

  2. My first choice for the Leafs is Joel Quennville but he needs permission for Gary Buttman, so that makes my first choice Craig Berube, i remember when he was a Leaf player, if New Jersey is smart go after Keefe.for the love of god Marner lift your NMC

  3. McLellend for Leafs!…. Perfect fit for FAILURE!…..BERUBE would be stupid to join the Leafs! … better yet what player would want to join the Leafs?

  4. Here we go about the coach is what’s needed!…. You leaf fans are a JOKE!…. Sorry I meant organization!

  5. New Jersey is a very good hockey team. They have plenty of offensive talent, speed, defensemen. Keep the current personnel.
    Marner would be an elite player that would fit in very well, adding even more firepower

  6. It looks like the Devils next head coach will be Jay Woodcroft. He would be a great head coach! In his 2 full seasons that he coached Edmonton, he took them to the 2nd round of the playoffs (with 1 of those season's, he took them to the Conference Final).

  7. I have no idea who Your New Jersey Devils are going to get, as A Coach (by the way, after The Rangers, The Chicago Blackhawks & Buffalo Sabres, I will root for The Devils). I think, that, Lindy Ruff was kind of the Scapegoat in all of this, even though I'm not saying that he's the best coach, especially due to the fact that Tom Fitzgerald, who got extended, made all of these moves for players that have not really panned out, as New Jersey Devils, such as Ondre Palat, Timo Meire (who had started scoring towards the end of the season, when it was all over) & Tim Toffoli (I think that he was probably the one who did the best), given that they were somewhat of disappointments in NJ. I'm especially saying this, given Yegor Sharongovich seems to have been A Good Addition for The Calgary Flames. I'm only saying Tom Fitzgerald is The GM & gets to decide who is on the team (before Devils' Fans get offended). Another Video has also echoed this in videos done about Lindy Ruff's firing by The Devils & hiring by The Buffalo Sabres. Let me know what you think (this question & comment is open to all who want to opine in a respectful way, especially given the fact I welcome other views).

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