@Ligue nationale de hockey

C’est donc maintenant considéré comme du « hooking » en séries éliminatoires de hockey…

C’est donc maintenant considéré comme du « hooking » en séries éliminatoires de hockey…



  1. StockMarketMike

    Against Boston, it is #FuckingWeak

  2. Wtf?
    Then the whistle when Bruins have it « to check on Bobroski »

  3. No_Vanilla_6372

    The refs.. I mean panthers are definitely gonna win

  4. Please follow up on the stoppage after the goalie is out of the crease after a shot.. WTF these officials are absolutely in the Bag for Florida.

  5. cmearls

    Now they just blew the whistle with the Bruins in possession to “check on Bobrovsky” for absolutely no reason. wtf is actually going on?

  6. SwanzY-

    always amazes me what are and aren’t penalties come playoff time

  7. riko77can

    Honestly, this camera angle is too far away and also an obstructed view to tell if he got his stick into the gloves or not, but a stick in the gloves as hooking is the single most consistently called penalty of the last 5 years.

  8. I don’t care for either of these teams. However, playoff hockey this year in particular is complete horseshit. There is very little skill involved. It’s basically who can beat the shit out of each other with the least amount of penalties.

    It’s the only major sports league where the rules change from the regular season to the playoffs.

    I’ve been watching some IIHF world championships. These players do have the ability to play more within the rules of the game to allow skilled teams to shine because they do it in world competitions.

    I’m bored with all of it.

  9. ArcXiShi

    What in the fucking fuck was that « check on Bobsuckme » bullshit??

  10. buddachickentml

    Sucks when officiating decides the outcome of a series…

  11. CapableCoyoteeee

    Get some more shots on net. Play through the shit calls. Focus on what you can control.

  12. lebangazNmash

    Fuck I would nevercheer for Boston, but they’ve been royally fucked this series, it ain’t fair. That 2-1 goal they got could’ve been overturned. Total makeup call. Still not enough

  13. CiderDog

    The refs have made me sympathetic to Boston, and that’s unforgivable. They’ve been absolute trash in this series.

  14. SauceKingHS

    Yup. No consistency, just random arbitrary calls to manage the game as the refs see fit. I’m still furious from Vancouver Edmonton game 2, we would be up 3-0 in the series right now if not for the abysmal one sided reffing in that game. Just flagrantly, blatantly one sided bullshit. Now we have a top 4 D-man suspended for game 4 on a completely unfair, clearly biased decision. I’m honestly appalled at the refs and the league this postseason. 🤬

  15. Anyawnomous

    I hate the Bruins but the refs are royally screwing them this series. Surprised they allowed that goal. Everything is going Florida’s way.

  16. ter_ehh

    He can openered the puck carrier’s hands causing him to mis-handle the puck in the attacking zone.

    Technically a good call.

    Now, in light of the calls in this series, I see how Bruins fans don’t like this one, but in isolation, that’s a hook.

  17. butwhyyyyyyyyyyymeee

    I hate the Bruins… But, that ain’t it chief.

  18. Creacherz

    That literally happens on every play behind the net in the playoffs. Defenseman with their hand on a forwards back while they wrap around with their stick, Jesus.

    I hate Boston, but I’ve been feeling for them with the calls in this series

  19. ElegantCoffee7548

    I’ve always hated Boston. Hate.

    The NHL found a way to make me want them to win. The refs are CLEARLY in the bag for Florida for whatever reason.

  20. GroundShxck

    « playoff hockey » shouldn’t be a term, the rules for a penalty should not change just because its the playoffs. does the rulebook change in the playoffs? no. so then why should the call change. a hook is a hook

  21. alexgardin

    It looks like stick in gloves and he fumbled the puck. Thats a clearcut hooking penalty anytime.

  22. Longtimelurker2575

    Just a reckless stupid play, it’s playoff hockey, he should have cross checked him in the face.

  23. Complex_Cranberry_25

    Bad angle, but it does look like a potential hook. The problem isn’t the fact that they may or may not have gotten this one right. The problem is that this same exact play will be called the opposite way later in the game or the next game. The issue is consistency, and the refs have been painfully inconsistent all year long

  24. Opentobeingwrong

    Isn’t it one of those can opener moves? He sticks it under the arm and levers it out using the body…

  25. Orangepinapples

    My biggest complaint about this is very similar plays happened multiple times later in this game and weren’t called. Bruins were grooving at this time and the penalty just killed their momentum having to PK. Felt like a quick game check by the refs.

  26. jerodsappsucker

    depends on what meds the linemans are on…

  27. tomplum68

    omg, more bruins are only losing because refs bs

  28. Burkey5506

    Did you see how quick they cut away from the replay lol.

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