@Blue Jackets de Columbus

Les séries éliminatoires de la Coupe Stanley sont en feu | 32 pensées

Jeff Marek et Elliotte Friedman parlent du match 4 entre les Canucks de Vancouver et les Oilers d’Edmonton. Ils dévoilent également la victoire des Bruins contre les Panthers lors du cinquième match, ce qui les rapproche d’une victoire de l’égalité dans cette série et force le match 7. ———————— ———————- 0:00 – Plongée dans le match 4 entre les Canucks de Vancouver et les Oilers d’Edmonton. 11:25 – Les Bruins battent les Panthers lors du cinquième match, les rapprochant d’une victoire de l’égalité dans cette série et forçant le match 7. 16:24 – Ils parlent de la façon dont le jeu a changé pour les entraîneurs vidéo lors de ces séries éliminatoires. Le carrousel des entraîneurs de la LNH : 27:28 – Maple Leafs de Toronto 28:07 – Devils du New Jersey 29:23 – Jets de Winnipeg 30:20 – Kings de Los Angeles 31:10 – Kraken de Seattle 31:44 – Sharks de San Jose 33:34 – Les Blue Jackets de Columbus. 35:53 – Parlons de Gardiner MacDougall qui a pris sa retraite des Reds de l’UNB et rendons hommage à Bill Friday. 39:30 – Parlons de Valeri Nichushkin, qui est entré dans la troisième étape du programme d’assistance de l’AJLNH et a organisé l’action de mercredi entre les Stars et les Avs. Envoyez le podcast par courriel à 32thoughts@sportsnet.ca ou appelez la ligne de réflexion du Montana au 1-833-311-3232 et laissez-nous un message vocal. Ce podcast a été produit et mixé par Dominic Sramaty et animé par Jeff Marek et Elliotte Friedman. Les points de vue et opinions exprimés dans ce balado sont ceux des animateurs et des invités et ne reflètent pas nécessairement la position de Rogers Sports & Media ou de ses sociétés affiliées. ———————————————- 📺 http:/ /sportsnetplus.ca – Diffusez en direct sur Sportsnet+ 💻 http://www.sportsnet.ca – Plus de nouvelles et de faits saillants sur Sportsnet.ca https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVhibwHk4WKw4leUt6JfRLg https://www.facebook.com /sportsnet https://twitter.com/sportsnet https://www.instagram.com/sportsnet/ https://www.tiktok.com/@sportsnet ————— ——————————- Sportsnet est le réseau sportif numéro 1 au Canada. Votre maison pour les derniers moments forts, les dernières nouvelles sportives, des interviews approfondies d’athlètes, des podcasts de pointe, des diffusions en direct et bien plus encore. Ne manquez pas un seul but marquant, un énorme home run, un dunk exceptionnel ou une fin de combat choquante. Obtenez des informations exclusives et des informations de pointe sur le secteur avec un accès inégalé. Apprenez à connaître une autre facette de vos superstars sportives préférées dans des interviews comiques uniques et décalées. Sportsnet est le guichet unique pour le fan qui sommeille en chacun de nous. ————————————————— Les séries éliminatoires de la Coupe Stanley Podcast Are On Fire 32 pensées #nhl #hockey #32pensées


  1. Your videos are like a journey into a world of fantasy and dreams, where everything is possible. Thank you for your magic! 🌈🎭

  2. Of course no one in Vancouver will believe it. All they have done non-stop is whine and cry and everything is unfair and everyone is out to get them. Its just straight embarrassing now to all Canadian fan bases.

  3. Panther's had a free goal in game 4 and game 5 wasn't and it's more debatable than game 4's. Just saying Swayman didn't get a chance to try and get set for the save and Bobvros did to a better extent.

  4. The entire broadcast was in favor of Eddy. You'd think the Canucks were Russians the way the were falling over themselves to compliment them, show highlights etc. Big whoop some Canucks had an off night and Oilers barely won the game with 40 seconds left..

  5. I love how Elliotte's blinker is on constantly for most of these podcasts. He must be just driving around the block making right turns.

  6. Stars are taking the cup. Neither Oilers or Nucks can take them, and the East is weak compared to the West. I'd say the 5 best teams in the league are all from the Western Conference and 2 of them are done.

  7. C'mon Elliotte, the Avs may have been a bit taken by events but this was mostly from the work done by the Stars. The national media are always looking to support the Avs because they are the sexy choice but Dallas is just better this year. Accept that and give the Stars the full credit for taking it to the Avs in game 4.

  8. Perry should have been given an unsportsmanlike conduct penalty, AND The Mark Twain Humourist Award, at the same time! Let's see how many games the crosscheck to Myers' face draws …. OH, Myers isn't "Golden Boy" !! So, probably nothing forthcoming.

  9. Any team still alive could win cup it's that close there is nobody blowing anybody out any team still has a chance for cup Colorado Boston Carolina Florida Vancouver and Edmonton all still have a chance to win cup you can't call anybody out playoffs are luck goaltending scoring and doing it at same time so will see

  10. As a former elite athlete…and hockey player…my comment on the playoffs…this year they look the most like the regular season than ever before…not a good sign…you guys have been watching hockey long enough…Don.t for a second try to tell us that know better that these playoffs have the intensity…the drama…the physicality etc…of years past…they don't and won't going forward…

  11. A cop in the rearview, no matter how innocent you are, it's unsettling. The goalie interference thing is getting kinda ridiculous, they need to adjust the rules to make more accurate accounts of incidents, same with goals off skates, I say if it goes in off your skate, No Goal. No more do he intend or was he steering, clean up these gray areas.

  12. I don't understand how you think just because it's playoffs that players like Marner and Petterson are going to turn into big hitters and sticking their sticks in opponents faces, that's not their game, their finesse, talented puck handlers and scorers, their not going to magically turn into in your face players.

  13. Bang on video coaches, I saw a recent stat on TV “1 of 5 challenges successful” that’s 20%!!! It was near 90-95% in the regular season… and I agree “we’re even” similar to the penalty on the Oilers after they missed the high-stick on Huggy 🤗 🏒 and then subsequently the cross-check on McDavid, PP/PK are HUGE in the playoffs so referees have more power in determining a series than were led to believe 😮

  14. Petterson. FANS are fools thinking a loser will change his ways to stardom, petterson needs to go towards women hockey

  15. Is it just me, or does Elliot drag everything out he says as long as possible? Almost for dramatic effect, like a performance.

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