@Bruins de Boston

Les séries éliminatoires de la LNH ont un problème d’arbitre

L’arbitrage de la LNH a été et semble toujours être un sujet de discussion majeur, surtout lors des séries éliminatoires. Donc, après avoir vu l’appel brutal lors du match des Bruins de Boston contre les Panthers de la Floride hier soir, j’ai pensé que c’était sûrement le pire que nous puissions voir. Bon sang, j’avais tort. Dans le match entre les Canucks de Vancouver et les Oilers d’Edmonton, ce fut l’un des pires matchs arbitrés que j’ai vu depuis un certain temps. Le pire s’est produit en deuxième période lorsque, dans un match de hockey à égalité 2-2, Connor McDavid a attrapé Quinn Hughes avec un bâton haut et brutal qui aurait dû être une double mineure. Pettersson a également été touché par derrière, Myers a frappé Janmark de la même manière le long des bandes et, dans l’ensemble, plusieurs appels douteux. Sans aucun doute, je pense que nous pouvons tous convenir que c’était un arbitrage terrible, alors j’ai décidé de passer en revue chaque pénalité annoncée et manquée dans la vidéo de hockey de la LNH d’aujourd’hui ! #nhl #hockey #faits saillants #nhlplayoffs #vancouvercanucks #edmontonoilers


  1. Ran into A LOT of Copyright problems with this one. Not sure what kept triggering it, but my apologies it's now nearly 24 hours late at this point!

  2. I'd be sick to my stomach if I was either of those refs. I'm embrasssed as a hockey fan. Bennett deserved 3 games for knocking out Marchand. Instead he got a gold star. The NHL is fucked. I am a Jet fan in a way I'm glad we are out we don't have to stress over shit reffing. I'd be losing my mind if I was a Bruins or Canucks fan. But the kicker is – the NHL loves this shit. It sells. They have no interest in parity. They silently covet this anger.

  3. Ive been watching hockey for over 60 years and the reffing gets worse every year. Its disgusting to say the least. I refuse to believe they dont choose sides

  4. Absolutley the worst reffing I've seen in years.Again last night Kane cross checking Myers in the face,drawing blood.Should have been 5 and a game and a possible suspension.No difference than Soucy on McDavid.Getting harder and harder to watch.

  5. I am a true Vancouver fan, and through the years of watching professional hockey NHL I noticed there's a lot of the referees that look the other way it's almost like they're getting paid by the other team to look the other way, I didn't see that. That's my opinion anyways I won't say anything more because well you know I didn't see anything.🙈🙉🙊

  6. Here's another referee bad call maybe not in this game but most games you will see it, if the referee interferes with a puck play, than the opposing team gets a goal, that is just wrong. My opinion is if the referee interferes with the puck the call should be whistled and the game should stopped.

  7. I fucking hate both the Canucks and the oilers and when the officiating is so awful that it somehow makes me feel bad for either team you KNOW it’s bad

  8. With the amount of money being bet these days it's clearly match fixing. The FBI is nowhere to be seen. Just tells you how high the corruption is in the Good Ol' USA.

  9. never gonna be fixed because of sports betting – greed has taken over. You are now watching scripted NHL.

  10. They purpose of having 2 referees on the ice that we would get hardly any miss calls … NHL should just go back to one referee. They have all kinds of camera now that would help.

  11. I used to be a referee many years ago. Apparently I sucked … or at least that is what parents and players kept repeating. Funny, the guys who replaced sucked too. Everyone should try their hand at it. See how you do.

  12. The Avs and stars game 5 was a whole new mess. There were multiple BLATIANT penalties on both sides. Just to name one, a stars player ( forget who ) cross checking Parise in front of the net BLATIANTLY. No call.

  13. I want Vancouver to win based solely on the dirty, cheap play from McOverrated and his trash teammates. Too bad it wasn't Boston on the ice with the oilers. Canucks need to grow a pair and just go out there to fight. I'm not a fan of either team, but the oilers are definitely making themselves hated. The refs have been missing far to much this post season. It's tough to watch.

  14. with that hit, peterson was simply compressed by 5 inch and his size now has to be adjusted on the nhl page

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