@Bruins de Boston

À quel point les Bruins contre les Panthers ont-ils été fous ? + Que se passe-t-il avec les arbitres ? | SDP

Steve Dangle, Adam Wylde et Jesse Blake discutent de la folie qui s’est produite lors de la demi-finale de la Conférence Est entre les Bruins de Boston et les Panthers de la Floride. Pour les demandes de renseignements générales, envoyez un courriel : info@sdpn.ca Contactez https://www.sdpn.ca/sales pour entrer en contact avec notre équipe de vente et discuter de l’opportunité d’intégrer votre marque dans notre contenu !


  1. Look up Tuuka Rask losing his blade, can’t move, yells at the ref forever!!! Then a goal gets scored and it counted!!! And I hate Tuuka

  2. Shouldn’t the question be why isn’t the NHL doing something about it or commenting on it ? Not boardering on illegitimate. Totally bogus. .

  3. Not quite the same degree when talking about both "non calls." In the more recent one, the Panthers defender makes (slight) contact with the Bruins attacker right as the Bruins attacker makes contact with the goalie. Attacker getting "pushed" into the goalie usually negates it as far as goalie interference calls go. It is very soft, but it's a by-the-book way to validate it (not saying they didn't let it stand as a make-up for the previous one, but this one at least has justification by the rules).

    And I am not coming at this from the perspective of a fan of either team, if it were possible I'd want them to both lose 😂

  4. Calling those the same type of gaolie interference is ridiculous. Two absolutely completely different plays.

  5. The idea this is a “makeup call” implies they’re similar situations. THEY’RE NOT, ONE WAS CLEARLY GOALIE INTERFERENCE AND THEN THERE’S THIS ONE. Aside, from the fact that the NON-CALL basically cost the Bruins the game and essentially THE SERIES (no the B’s ARE NOT coming back from down 3 games to 1, I’ve watched this team for my entire nearly 40 years of existence and they’ll lose tomorrow night MARK MY WORDS)

  6. Dallas at Anaheim, last season (I think) had a play blow dead when Tyler Seguin was about to score. John Gibson had a shutout that night. Dallas should have, ya know, been able to score on the Ducks, but plays being blown dead when the puck is absolutely not covered, denying a goal, is unfortunately a thing.

  7. Don’t tell me the Bruins are favoured. Do you guys remember the non call obvious slew foot against the bruins player in game six of the Blues/Bruins finals where everyone thought it was a guaranteed penalty and the ref didn’t call it. The blues take the puck and score. Blues end up tying the series at 3 and win game 7.

  8. That is such a fkn cop out. "iT wAs a MaKe Up cAlL" get fucked. they explained it in clear words, yes he hit his skate in the crease, but he had time to reset before the puck was shot. Yes, his stick got knocked out of his hand, BY HIS OWN TEAM MATE. Don't cheapen the refs and call review team's jobs by saying they did it to balance out a bad call from a previous game.

  9. As a Bruins fan I agree with everything. The officiating is horrible and I need my bottle and diaper changed.

  10. The panthers have double the power plays that the bruins have had this series

    That is clear cut, the league wants the panthers to win and they’re using refs to do it but they don’t want to make it obvious

    Double the power plays almost NEVER, NEVER happens in a series

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