@Canucks de Vancouver

Les Canucks viennent de remporter une ÉNORME victoire ici même…

les Canucks de Vancouver ont battu les Oilers d’Edmonton lors du troisième match des séries éliminatoires de la Coupe Stanley pour prendre une avance de 2-1, Brock Boeser, Arturs Silovs et Elias Lindholm avec des matchs ÉNORMES et Connor McDavid est devenu assez fou après le match, maintenant nous nous tournons vers le match 4 mardi. Twitter : https://twitter.com/DeanerHd


  1. Ian Cole is a Canuck terrorist, he makes me wanna try out for the canucks, he panicks everytime he touches the puck and turns it over, all he does is block shooting lanes and passing lanes but even half the time he does that, he scores on our net SO I THINK I'M TRYING OUT FOR THE CANUCKS NEXT YEAR WISH ME LUCK BOYS!

  2. The McDavid post game shenanigans were funny because nobody got injured.

    And yes, he deserved it.

    You can't have skill players hacking after the game is over

  3. I have been saying it from the beginning of the season, Cole is the worst player in our team. I don’t know why the coaches like him. He makes very bad decisions that usually end up in our net.

    We are better off with a call up.

  4. Both of these loser franchises are having a battle to see who gets dusted by Dallas. Let's focus on the positives: one of these perpetual failures will finally make it out of the 2nd round.

  5. Thanks Deaner. For someone that finds watching the games live too stressful, I really appreciate your detailed synopsis that no one else provides. Great catch in pointing out that Kane was holding Zadorov's stick. I thought Zadorov was rearranging Kane's face.

  6. The bench was getting at Zadorov and Perry didn't touch him at all … he only served the bench minor penalty.

  7. For a Canuck fan your commentary is great. No cursing and a genuine love for the team. Of course non Canuck fans wouldn’t like it 😂

  8. Ok, we get your a Canucks fan, butt at least try to comment as a hockey fan. Trying to spin so much positive for the Canucks. It was a playoff game and its a series. Canucks have one guy and the posts holding the fort
    right now. If the oilers get the good bounce and get it by Shiloffs it would be 7 goals for oilers. Canucks played good and are a very good team. Oilers are good too. But Canucks without that goatending would be crushed.

  9. It’s just a matter of time Cole gets a hat trick for own goal scoring. Just something for the history books.

  10. I love how they don't shy away from the superstars. Has em all confused to hell.
    Better win this thing boys!

  11. Canucks toughness was a question going into the playoffs however they are morphing into a tougher team. This could take them deep this year! Keep it going boys!

  12. 2:44 look at the play it was 37 who initiated contact with Zaddy. Perry was the one trying to keep his teammates from interering in the play.

  13. In my opinion, Boesser (Probably butchering his name lol, I'm a Toronto lad turned Canucks fan XD) got the Hat-Trick. I watched that back like 5 times, Didn't see the tip that put it in the net. If you have to watch a clip anymore than 5 Times to see who tipped it in, just give it to the guy already lmfao.

    I could be happy with Canucks OR Oilers moving on, we all want the Cup to come home to Canada, but my boys are making me proud, GO CANUCKS GO!!!

  14. This video is riddled with factual inaccuracies. Mcdavid got CHOPPED after the whistle then chopped back, then got sandwiched. And Perry didn’t do anything, it was a bench minor. One of those games where the end result doesn’t result in the better team winning.

  15. I heard Carson Soucy has a discipline hearing over the cross-check at the end, and Nikita Zadorov was fined for his cross-check on McDavid in the same sequence

  16. I don’t think Cory Perry should have gotten that bench minor penalty. He literally didn’t do anything. If anything he was holding his guys back. I’m a Canucks fan and I don’t see where the bench minor was for that play.

  17. Oilers NEED skinner to perform if they wanna win, his performance last night was unacceptable.
    On the contrary, as an oilers fan i give the canucks rookie goalie huge props. Hes held down the fort against two big dogs.

  18. I already knew this video was extremely biased but damn 💀💀💀

    You don’t need to be smart to understand that McDavid didn’t start that last fight but whatever. BOTH of these teams fan bases are extremely obnoxious and just look for ANY angle to make themselves feel better. Example right here.

  19. If oilers play Pickard and he plays mediocre the Canucks will have a tough time winning the series by only putting up 15 shots a game

  20. It only took the hot high scoring oilers OVER 21 minutes of play to finally score ONE at the end of the third period. In the end, the highly quoted PP of the oilers was diminished to BELOW 50% in these playoffs. Likely two of the next three games will be Canucks wins.

  21. Corey perry literally said "nobody f-ing touch him were getting a power play" and pushed all the guys away😂.

  22. Dont F… with the Nucks 🤭 And don't Phuck with the Nuckers.

    What happened to the Oilers sweeping us 4-nill? lol They will be lucky to force a game 6 🤭

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