@Oilers d'Edmonton

BRUT | Kris Knoblauch 17.05.24

Kris s’adresse aux médias avant le vol de retour des Oilers vers Edmonton pour affronter les Canucks lors du sixième match.


  1. Please bench NURSE! Please Remove the fossil COREY PERRY…please get more physical …stop QUINN HUGHES FROM CONTROLLING THE ZONE.stop JT MILLER

  2. I love oilers i do, my team ,unfortunately they not doing what they should do, that's sad. Hopefully they wake up, not much time left,… let's go boys

  3. Mcloed is USELESS.. Literally USELESS.. Put in Gagne, someone who wants to make a difference and HEART

  4. Go Oilers🇨🇦 Go. Try to make two more wins by Monday.
    Fan of Edmonton Oilers and Ottawa Senators.

    Wonder will Oilers use Jack Campbell this time? Or is it Stuart Skinner or Calvin Pickard?

  5. If they put picks in since game 1. This would be a series win already. Cant rely mr lessons skinner

  6. Scratch nurse, a 3 on 1 and noone takes the puckcarrier? nurse even skates by him? -8 2 assists is not good enough. I'd rather lose without him then win with him. Time to scratch him for a game. kulak played well. dylan did too. gotta win two in a row now. pp did'nt get it done was a big difference in this game. pickard was solid. to many giveaways also throwin the puck away. I still beleive we'll take gm 6 but we gotta find some way to win gm 7.😊 Let's go boys!

  7. The comments are so hilariously toxic. "wHy He PlAyInG?!" "WhY nOt play HiM?!" WhY would YoU put That GuY with ThAt guy?!" Like chill, alot of Canadian fans have the emotional range with loss and wins as a roller coaster lmao.

  8. Gags would be more chances than brown, what a disappointment. Picks was great, so was Stu for the most part but he had nerves or something. People keep saying only couple guys holding up the team……..only a couple are getting enough ice time. If the bottom end got more time they would contribute, not sure what happened to fogele but he’s lost right now and I think he knows it and it’s not making him better.

  9. Honestly …. I’m not watching game 6. I’m fed up with this series. I’m an Oilers fan, I hope whoever wins this series goes to the cup final, but I just don’t care anymore the playoffs should start in March not April I’m just so done with this long dragged out BS and the league is American bias so much so that it’s undeniable so whatever bye

  10. Do you notice he doesn't say because Vancouver outplayed them that's why they're not getting any points guys a joke

  11. Oilers are the only team that was not scheduled 2 days off at any time during either of the first series. Not sure practicing at many times is needed at this point in the season perhaps. They know better than I which is why some didnt do practice. But mcdavid did. And he looked a bit gassed in game 5. I know he needed to lead by example but coach should of told everyone no practice on some days. Especially inbetwern games 4,5,6 and 7

  12. The Oilers should not need any motivation and mental preparation notes for Game 6. But……

    Coming home and facing elimination, world class players will more times than not rise to exceed their expectations of themselves. They will find themselves in the most dynamic scenarios. For those that are not yet masters of that skill, sometimes a thought of greatness ignites the kindling and is enough to fuel drawing more from the well than you ever thought possible.

    Exhibit A. Sam Gagner.

    Just a spark. Put him in.

  13. Crazy how after the Oilers scored the first goal of the game their compete level dropped to like a 6 or 7 out of 10.

  14. Another coach that can’t get his team to step up. We are getting beat up so bad in the physical game it’s incredible! Adding Sam Gagne is NOT going to help us. Put in Carrick and maybe Ernie but Carrick for sure, we need his grit! Carrick / Janmark / Brown is a good 4th line. Maybe Broberg? I know we need Bouchard on the PP but he is getting beat up in the corners and in front of the net. He is literally getting pushed around. If we sign him to a long term high AAV I will be sick.

  15. I like that Knobber seems calm, but can he inspire his players to win the way Tocchet does? I hope so. Damn, Oilers GET IT. Be the team we know you are.

  16. Oilers need a banger line plain and simple. Carrick, Erne and Janmark. Take the softy zero production dudes out..Perry and McLeod.

  17. Vancouver doesn't give a crap how fast Edmonton is. Vancouver's clutching, grabbing, pulling, holding, and interfering with any Oiler player they can to slow the game way down to Vancouver's level. The only thing that's going to knock Vancouver off their game is to hit back and so far Edmonton's been Vancouver's punching bag for 5 games.

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