@Canucks de Vancouver

Le lendemain : Oilers d’Edmonton 3, Canucks de Vancouver 4 Discussion | VAN MÈNE 2-1

Dans l’épisode Day After d’aujourd’hui, je discute de la défaite 4-3 des Oilers d’Edmonton à domicile contre les Canucks de Vancouver lors du troisième match. Les #oilers prennent du retard 2-1 dans la série malgré une domination des #canucks 45-18 dans le match. Stuart Skinner était épouvantable, Nurse-Ceci est complètement injouable et Connor McDavid a été jugé inutile. McDavid a également subi une contre-vérification sévère au visage de Carson Soucy, mais la réponse sur la glace des joueurs des Oilers a été insuffisante à mon avis. C’est préoccupant. Les Oilers ont besoin de plus du reste de l’alignement, sinon cette série se terminera en 5 matchs. Il y a beaucoup de choses à dire, alors asseyez-vous, détendez-vous, prenez une collation et allons-y. #nhl Horodatage : 0:00 – Introduction et réflexions générales 7:25 – Où est la profondeur ? 12:42 – Carson Soucy devrait-il être suspendu ? 15h40 – SKINNERRRR ! 20:16 – Modifications de ma programmation personnelle 22:03 – Infirmière/Ceci… 24:56 – Temps de glace insoutenable 27:43 – Réflexions de clôture/Outro Bracelets/bracelets de la Fondation Ben Stelter : https://benstelterfoundation.myshopify.com / Rappel amical : je diffuserai en direct toute la série du deuxième tour des Oilers contre Vancouver, et vous pourrez voir TOUTE l’action ici sur Austin Hockey ! ICYMI : Oilers/Canucks Game 3 RAW Réaction : https://youtu.be/KvbEO_3AKt4 Si vous ne voulez manquer aucune mise à jour, annonce ou téléchargement de vidéo, assurez-vous de vous abonner à ma chaîne et de suivre mes réseaux sociaux ! Twitter : https://twitter.com/AHockey1993 Bluesky : https://bsky.app/profile/austinhockey.bsky.social TikTok : https://tiktok.com/@AHockey1993 Instagram : https://www.instagram. com/ahockey1993/ TwitchTV : https://www.twitch.tv/austinhockeytv Si vous avez aimé la vidéo d’aujourd’hui, assurez-vous de cliquer sur « J’aime » et si vous l’avez vraiment aimé, assurez-vous de « vous abonner » pendant que nous continuons à créer le meilleur YouTube de hockey. Chaîne en 2024


  1. Hey Austin, just a heads up that I have started a rivalry with you on my twitch channel (same name). I picked you randomly, and the majority of my audience has sided with you, citing your fair and balanced coverage and kind disposition. So you have new fans. But also a serious rival, me.

  2. I agree with you completely! If we don't win the next one at home, it's done with. We don't have a good record on the road.

  3. In my opinion, I agree with the team supporting their captain statement. I believe the canucks are going harder at McDavid as a result of how the oilers were going after hughes. McDavids stick to his face with the cut and no call and then sending him off the ice, and the slew foot.

  4. The solution to the Nurse/Ceci issue is simple, and has already been successfully tried – swap the pairings…

    Put Nurse with Desharnais, and Ceci with Kulak – and watch the metrics magically improve.

  5. I am a Canucks fan. Believe me, no Canucks fan with any clue about hockey feels comfortable with the wins they have gotten so far. It could easily be 3 – 0 Oilers right now. The last 30 minutes of the game last night were brutal. They were hanging on for dear life. There is no way they can play like that again and have a prayer in winning this series.

  6. Soucy shouldn't be suspended, McDavid is the one that should be suspended for instigating after the end of game. A shove is not a license to do a 2 handed lumberjack slash. Anytime you are around a net you are gonna get shoved at minimum.

    McJesus crying to the refs all day long is hilarious.

    Oilers fans crying about a cross check to the face after McJesus literally crosschecked Hughes the game before are pinnacles of crybabies.

  7. Need a fight!, sheesh, refs need to let em play and not be scared of whether they give equal chances at power plays, a penalty is a penalty, thats where the bad blood happens.. missed calls, oh well you did it to them too mentality, every player crying to the refs, no consistancy whatsoever.. btjm… not a fan of reffy.

  8. Van fan here. I actually enjoy your show, been watching it since the start of the series. Balanced and fair good job!

  9. One thing I find weird is we've only had one line going this series but you want someone to jump in and even take a suspension to stand up for mcdavid…. but think about who's on the ice, imagine this team without Drai, Nuge, Hyman, Bouch, or Ekholm suspended game 4. You can't have one of those players take a stupid suspension. Take a number, get him next game.

  10. Canucks fan here, appreciate your leveled headed unbiased approach. The ian cole comment is hilariously true 😂 😂 😂 Obviously i hope canucks win but ill be following the oilers if they win. Just want Canada to get a cup… Again after so long.

  11. The money puck numbers were not kind to the Canucks last game. Basically Edmonton dominated to a man. However clearly they have much better goaltending and Nurse -Ceci is a glaring weakness. Can Oilers overcome these weaknesses? They will have to make some tough choices.

  12. No way Knoblauch replaces nurse and ceci, could be an interesting/ needed swap though. I agree, Pickard is the guy, poor Skinner, insane amount of pressure for such a young guy. Gagner needs to happen.

  13. @15:10 I noticed that as well, you gotta back up your captain, like come on. I think Draisaitl’s post-game interview doesn’t do much good for the team either by saying “post is not good goaltending”, especially in comparison to McDavid’s interviews. McDavid seems un-phased and he’s completely locked in, but there’s only so much he can do when the rest of his team isn’t in that same headspace.

  14. I'm pretty sure Tochett has a handle on what's gonna happen…retaliation towards Soucy by an oiler…haha. WHO??
    Kane? Hahah

    And whatever happened to McDavid have control of his stick with a high stick to Hughs face…hello. This is where this all started….refs could have settled this but choose to protect mcdumby instead.

  15. How do you expect to get any production out of your bottom 9 forwards when every offensive zone start, post icing faceoff, power play, 4th line shift the McDryman line comes out. The other 9 forwards are taking defensive zone fsceoffs blocking shots and killing powers pays so the big line can get every advantageous opportunity. They’ve been setup as cannon fodder

  16. Respect discussion i doubt Van or Edmonton can go to final but stats past 3 games show which team is better. Oiler need to split D29 and M97 to 2 lines team if you want to beat van within 60 mins this season. There is reason Van never put Lotto line play 30mins per game

  17. Honestly I think the oilers have played good in this series and I’m not worried tbh. I think Skinner will rebound, depth will come through eventually, and I think we just need to have that calmness we had in round 1. This team has experience l. They just need to act like it. Obviously I could be totally wrong and they could crumble but I’m gonna bet on the oilers to come back and hit hard.

  18. Why hasn’t Edmonton. Traded one of their 37 first round picks for a quality goalie?? I’ll never understand it

  19. The ice time may pay dividends as early as game 5. By not playing lines 3 and 4 and expecting them to be fine is also bad coaching. You have to win or lose with the team you have. Dallas and Vancouver very similar.

  20. Randomly stumbled on your channel. Canuck fan here, but enjoyed your content and hearing some thoughts from an Oiler perspective about their own team.

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