@Hurricanes de la Caroline

On me dit que le HC Brind’Amour et le staff d’entraîneurs ont accepté des prolongations de plusieurs années avec les cannes.

On me dit que le HC Brind’Amour et le staff d’entraîneurs ont accepté des prolongations de plusieurs années avec les cannes.



  1. Nilzy16

    Well at least we got this taken care of early. Hopefully he’s able to adjust the systems a bit to better suit the team for next season.

  2. WafflesTheWookiee

    I was starting to overthink things, like maybe a change behind the bench might be a good shake up.

    But when Kevin Weekes just made the announcement on ESPN, my true feelings were released, and I HOLLERED.

    So glad to have The Bod back

    Now let’s see what happens in the front office with Don and Eric 😬

  3. dukefan15

    Hopefully with the stipulation that changes will be made regarding power play going forward

  4. WoodsFinder

    Not surprising really.  At some level, I was hoping for a change at the assistant level because of the recurring special teams problems in the playoffs and apparent struggle to adapt when something isn’t working. Hopefully the coaching staff will figure out something so that the playoffs don’t end prematurely again for the same reasons again next season.

  5. pentaxshooter

    Still need to fire Daniels into the sun but it is what it is. Happy to have Rod back.

  6. samurai5764

    The fact that ESPN had Kevin Weekes break the news on air during the Edmonton game bahahaha

  7. all1good

    He’s the heart and soul of this team. Never thought I’d say this but if someone asked if I’d rather win a cup without a Rod or continue to watch this team narrowly miss, but with Rod at the helm, I really would have to think about it. Glad he’ll stay around and I really hope he can finally get over the playoff hump.

  8. TLGPanthersFan

    I hope they have had discussions about the definition of insanity.

  9. RallyPigeon

    One less thing to worry about. He created a winning culture and stability is so important. I think this could potentially help us re-sign Guentzel because he enjoyed playing for Rod and now he knows who his coach will be if he stays. Also the only other coach of the same caliber was Berube and he probably had his deal with Toronto lined up before the first round was even over.

  10. The legend Brind’Amour is here to stay!

  11. Carolina_913

    I’d like to see a re-evaluation of the assistant coaching staff this offseason. Rod gets the team going and puts them on the right track, but if you have just one or two extra guys to help coach through the areas he lacks in, we’d see our team get even better than it is now.

  12. SokkasBoomerang3

    Did we hire a power play coach too or?

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