@Hurricanes de la Caroline

Comparaison des gardiens pour la série du 2e tour

Comparaison des gardiens pour la série du 2e tour



  1. w41twh4t

    Probably what most around know, put into statistics.

  2. notyomamasusername

    So you’re saying we got out goalied?

  3. bamisbig

    Andersen wasn’t great the first 5 games, but he legit cost us a game 6 we 100% should’ve won

  4. Cylinsier

    Igor’s good, no disagreement. But these numbers are inflated IMO. In the games we lost he was giving up rebounds and making somewhat shaky saves and we weren’t finishing on those. Even last game, look at that grade A Staal had with nobody around him. Guarantee you that gets logged as a « high danger » save and the broadcast was creaming over what a great save it was. It was a choke shot. Jordo had wide open net and he shot it directly into Igor’s blocker as he was falling over. I’m just…I don’t give the goalie credit for making a particularly special save there. That’s just routine, he existed in the path of the puck. Jordo turned a high danger chance into a basic, easy save. That doesn’t get reflected in the stats.

    I still think Igor is the best goalie remaining, but he’s eminently beatable. In games 4 and 5, particularly the 3rd period of 5, we showed that his numbers can look pretty average with the right approach. We started game 6 with that approach to and then fell back into our trap of padding goalie stats with uninteresting and predictable shots.

  5. ShittyFrogMeme

    -3 GSAA is painful with all the 1 goal games we lost

  6. noreast2011

    There’s more to this story. Outside the EN that rags got in game 6, all 4 of their goals were scored within 5 feet of the net with no defenseman trying to clear it. Been an issue for a long time.

  7. Blueberry_1995

    Several soft goals including a few where he just lost balance and fell over, pretty inexcusable. We should have let Pyotr play games 3 and 4 in the 1st round. Even with the mediocre PP in the 2nd round, we could have still won just by not allowing all these soft goals. Freddy was so good in last year’s playoffs and then it just took a complete 180 this year, we played him too much

  8. echoprime11

    Pardon my ignorance, I’m not an expert on sport stats. But I’m assuming it’s better to not have negative GSAA?

  9. FragileIdeals

    Almost -3 GSAA…..brutal when the losses are 1 goal games

  10. H4wt_Pocket

    I won’t blame the entire series on Freddie because special teams were fucking awful but he is partially to blame. He let in too many soft goals imo. I wish Pyotr got more starts.

    Going into the series, we all knew goaltending and special teams would be the most crucial aspects of the series… so of course they were what killed us.

  11. recneps1992

    I won’t say losing the series was entirely his fault because our special teams were awful, but Freddie 100 percent lost us game 6. Should have ended 3-2 canes at worst. He cannot be our starter next season. Give Pyotr the reigns already.

  12. cameroncrazy278

    He spotted the Rangers a soft goal (or more) in every game he played in the series. In a series that was dominated by 1-goal games, that’s brutal. The Canes were awful on special teams all series, but Freddie proved to be the team’s fatal flaw.

    He’s demonstrated repeatedly that he doesn’t have the mentality to be the starter on a team that wants to win the Stanley Cup. If he’s the starter going into the playoffs next year, it will be malpractice by the coaching staff.

  13. degen4Iyf

    All I remember is Kooch saving like 3 clean breakaways in a 5 min span.

  14. Car-Hockey2006

    We were the better team 5v5 – check.

    We needed goalie play OR special teams to be evenish, and we win in 5 or 6. Instead our goalie got caved AND our special teams got caved, and we *still* were a period away from a G7.

    That’s why this hurts. We didn’t get pummeled or outclassed. League average play on special teams OR in net and we win that series. 🫤

  15. Ok_Path_9151

    Sub 90% save percentage. Allowed too many soft goals and the PP was horrible. But sub par save percentage is what cost us the series.

  16. Ken_Thomas

    I’m going to continue to believe that teams that see success with a goalie rotation during the regular season, should stick with that rotation in the playoffs – and that includes the Bruins and the ‘Canes this year. I know it’s got to be incredibly hard for a coach to bench a goalie who just had a fantastic game (like Freddie in the first few against the Isles) and start the other guy, but I think that’s exactly why it’s important to do.
    Stick with what got you here. Dance with who brung ya.

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