@Sabres de Buffalo

Lindy Ruff est-elle le BON CHOIX en tant qu’entraîneur-chef des Sabres de Buffalo ?

Les Sabres de Buffalo ont embauché Lindy Ruff comme prochain entraîneur-chef après une saison 2023/24 décevante. Dans la vidéo d’aujourd’hui, Cal partage ses réflexions concernant le retour de Ruff. Suivez BSC sur : Discord – https://discord.gg/nBDZzQp Instagram – https://instagram.com/buffalo_sportscenter?igshid=1jqi1tm445zj TikTok – https://www.tiktok.com/@buffalosportscenter?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc


  1. Why did it take years to get a coach with experience ? When pegula wanted to win right away. Adams is still on the watch….. I bet Ruff will get the defense to stop being hypnotized by the puck in their own zone while leaving the opponents open. Getting owen no power to HIT some one. And to get this team to BACK check.

  2. The key to Ruff's success or failure is in his goaltending. Good goaltending? Good Ruff. Bad goaltending?…

  3. Yes hes the right choice for Adams because he knows next season he has to make the playoffs or hes probably done. If you are down to your last straw – life line you grab onto someone who you know & trust and thats Lindy!
    Big question now is who will be on his staff hopefully they will replace D coach Marty Wilford and PP – forward coach Matt Ellis asap and also will Jeff Skinner be still a Sabres in Oct or will he be bought out or traded?
    Thanks for the video , keep up the good work .

  4. Fire?? As a Devils fan, he was the most laid back, arms-folded, eye-brows raised HC out there. He lost the room last fall and the team never recovered.

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