@Maple Leafs de Toronto

Les Maple Leafs sont le plus gros incendie de benne à ordures de la LNH

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  1. Now they have Treliving too, so it's only going to get worse… much much worse, lmao.

  2. Matthews is the biggest playoff choker for the Leafs, not Marner. Bertuzzi was also a complete bust for them all season long, and Reaves should’ve never been on the roster vs Boston.

  3. I dont think the leafs are a dumpster fire at all. They over came huge injury issues and pushed Boston to 7 Games. How many teams could lose a 69 and 40+ goal scorer and push Boston to 7 ..on top of it all .. The Leafs are canadian and we all know Canadian teams are getting **** no cups in 30 yrs.. Before bettman and his fixed NHL canada won cups regularly, The OILERS were a dynasty. other Canadian teams won cups… now days its fixed BS hockey Canadian cities sell out regularly so why promote hockey in Canada ..the huge TV rights deals lies south of the boarder and expansion revenue aproaching a billion dollars comes from growing NHL hockey in larger populated cities in the USA. Vegas .. hahaha what a joke new kid on the block gets gift wrapped fairytale start… Carolina,Vegas, Anahiem,LA, Dallas, Tampa bay, all have cup wins If hockey in Texas becomes popular and Houston gets an expansion franchise ( its all ready on the table and being looked at ) The expansion fee will be several hundred million cha ching in owners pockets … if vancouver wins a cup will that make any extra money for the NHL … no so follow the money … Bettmans home town Rangers need another cup or Dallas or Heck lets pump Floridas Tires … hot bed of hockey it is and lets keep that going…… big USA markets with TV rights will win cups…. not Columbus or Buffalo or small market teams or any team from Canada … line up Canada pay $150-$200 a seat u suckers !!! teams in the USA are selling tickets for $25 with a free beer and a hot dog… why give Canada a cup they sell out games at huge $$ without winning a cup for 30 years … can you imagine if it was reversed no cup wins in the USA for 30 years how many teams would sell out down there LOL .. omg … Owners make huge money under Bettmans fixed outcome regime while Canadian fans get screwed.

  4. There is more scrutiny in a Toronto leaf’s practice in January than a round 2 game 2 in Florida. …….. and their players play 0% income tax for every home game …..

    …. See two significant independent explanatory variables no one ever talks about?

    Who is gonna be the Stanley Cup champion as a contributing player in another market this time? There have been a lot between Larry Murphy and Phil Kessel. When will maple leaf fans point inward?

  5. The coyotes are literally moving to Utah but the leafs are the biggest dumpster fire because they lost in 7 to a higher seeded team while having injuries to 3 massive pieces of the team.. for sure. Get your clicks

  6. Trade Marner and JT for Gritty Defensive depth, and make Nylander the new Captain. Problem solved 😂

  7. They weren't "finally ready for a deep run". They're been ready sinxe 2013. But they always fucking fail and fall short

  8. For me when the Leafs get kicked out it’s a reminder that Mother’s Day is coming.

  9. They keep saying be patient. Well we have been patient for the last 57 fucking years. When are you going to do fucking sonething about it. Or are you just happy to take our hard earned money and not give a shit.

  10. Too many excuses being made for the Leafs. The Blues won the cup their first year under coach Berube, with rookie goaltender Jordan Binnington, and freshly signed ROR, who took home the Conn Smythe.

    The truth is no amount of effort, heart, or roster stability was gonna get the Leads core a cup. Playoff hockey just isn't their strong suit.

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