@Maple Leafs de Toronto

C’est vraiment le type d’entraîneur dont les Leafs ont besoin.

Nous avons besoin d’une approche plus dure pour les séries éliminatoires. (Et un bon gardien)



  1. InternationalPost447

    Meh it’s just going to be another whine fest like Calgary and Sutter. The babies will cry he’s too mean and words hurt

  2. S-Archer

    Matthews out of Lady Byng consideration, confirmed.

  3. Charming_Weird_2532

    He looks like happy Gilmore

  4. rnarcopolo

    Time will tell, it won’t be easy so I hope it works out.

  5. another_plebeian

    This is such a boomer opinion.

  6. DougFordsGamblingAds

    For as much as the truculence was mocked – we certainly got a better whistle this year than any previous year I can remember. I don’t think that’s unrelated.

  7. Similar-Jellyfish499

    Things got so repetitive the past few years, so « safe » with Keefe and the Core 4, it got stale from an entertainment standpoint. Bring on Berube! Bring on the chaotic trades and hot takes!

  8. LtColumbo93

    The idea that the leafs weren’t “tough enough” in the playoffs is not grounded at all in reality. Complete fantasy. 

  9. CashComprehensive423

    Hopefully his brain is 100%

  10. spaceporter

    Counterpoint, Keefe was good at getting bench minors.

  11. Confident-Month9727

    About effen time. Now we jus need a goalie and to finish in 8th place.

  12. TheLoomingMoon

    Pretty sure when Keefe played he was a psycho

  13. Daimyon

    What is this supposed to mean, he’s going to take extra penalties even as a coach?

  14. clapperssailing

    Get rid of the clicks. Put Marner at the bottom. Beat the shit out of nylander so he knows what human contact feels like and give Mathews a corner guy. Nuke every D man but McCabe and benoit and find a goalie.


    Ty Dubas/keefe for your now mess.

  15. AcceptableMongoose49

    I love the idea that people think that players who are approaching a decade in the league are suddenly gonna change because their coach is mean to them. I say this as someone who likes the core players and think they could’ve got over the top. I agree a new voice was needed but it’s not like the players didn’t buy into a defensive structure.

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