@Flyers de Philadelphie

Un fan se retrouve dans une situation délicate avec Tie Domi

29 mars 2001 – Tie Domi, l’agent des Maple Leafs de Toronto, s’occupe d’un fan belliqueux qui tombe accidentellement dans le banc des pénalités.


  1. guy sure is lucky the refs intervened im guessing he would not have won that fight

  2. For an alpha goon like him this is just like an insect dropping in the penalty box… he kept talking about all the fun it was in philly on interview and this is no exception. He lives for moments like that

  3. Couldn’t imagine that in today’s NHL if a player fought a fan in the penalty box during a game, they would let him finish the game lol

    Love the old nhl

  4. "Cops hauled him off and gave him a citation"

    Nowadays we all know that wouldn't happen. Regardless of whether you like it or not

  5. Man I miss when SC showed highlights. Now it's just about Lebron and what someone tweeted out.

  6. I Cant believe they let Domi just finish his 2 min penalty and get back in the game after this loll 🤣🤣

    This is like NHL’s version of Malice at the Palace.

  7. that's like a wrestler throwing popcorn at you and you jump over and bash him over the head with a baseball bat

  8. A few years ago I was on a plane. The guy seated next to me said he used to play hockey and he looked like he could be an athlete. Had some good stories and if not true, he was a good liar. Told a story about Domi at an annual party thrown by Wayne Gretzky. Supposedly a few guys, including Tie, were walking in the parking lot and some guy mouthed off to Domi. Tie was drunk and squared off with him. Story goes the guy knocked Domi out with one punch. No idea if it’s true but it sure sounded real.

  9. Back in the day when enforcers were enforcers…you go after "The Guy" on my team, you are getting the hands…

    The idiot who decided it was a good idea to stumble into the cage with a lion…buddy you got what you had coming.

  10. I just have to wonder what Falcone's thought process was.

    "YES! I'm in the penalty box with Tie Domi! … … …Oh crap, I'm in the penalty box with Tie Domi-" beatdown ensues

  11. I never liked Domi but I can't blame him here. I'd have spanked that punk. Lol

  12. That guy should be thankful the linesman intervened on time.

    He probably wouldn't have left that arena alive.

  13. My name is Chris Falcone ,I want to pay $100- 150 to go to a Flyers game and get totally sloshed ( I really hope he WAS drunk and he is not that stupid while sober !!) and make a total ASS of myself on national TV and get hauled out of the areana by cops .I did not think anyone can be that stupid but you never know with these AMerican hockey fans

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