@Bruins de Boston

Mike Milbury récapitule la saison des Bruins || Spectacle de Greg Hill

Mike Milbury rejoint le Greg Hill Show pour discuter de la défaite des Bruins face aux Panthers, de l’échange de Linus Ullmark et de l’avenir de Jim Montgomery. #bruins #nhlplayoffs #nhl 📡 ÉCOUTER EN DIRECT ➡️ https://www.audacy.com/weei/listen 📺REGARDER EN DIRECT ➡️ http://weei.com/watch 💻REGARDER EN DIRECT SUR TWITCH ➡️ http://twitch.tv/ bostonweei Téléchargez l’application Audacy aujourd’hui et diffusez votre WEEI où que vous soyez ! ➡️ https://go.audacy.com/y-listen-live-weei SUIVEZ-NOUS : TWITTER – https://twitter.com/WEEI INSTAGRAM : https://www.instagram.com/weeisports/ FACEBOOK : https : //www.facebook.com/WEEI/ Crédit : © Bob DeChiara-USA TODAY Sports Images miniatures gracieuseté de Getty Images/USA Today Network.


  1. they lost Bergy and Krejci and did not replace them. They didn't have the money. If you don't think they did great, you don't know the game. Now we have money Don's job is on the line next year!!!

  2. I really love Milbury. He gets it. I am furious seeing players and fans being thrilled with failure. This is a fucked up attitude you guys. There's something wrong with this picture. Accepting failure in a league where ultimate victory can only be achieved by desire, perseverance, and the will to fight is a guarantee this team will never win the cup. As fans, the only thing we can do is to refuse to support the team. Maybe when they start showing up for games with a half empty arena, they might start taking their heads out of their asses.
    The will to fight is the opposite of being content with failure. If this team is thrilled and content with losing, then why fuckin bother going to the games? Who wants to wear merchandise for a team that enjoys losing? I don't want to watch a bunch of assholes making $10,000,0000 a year, let alone support them financially by buying their gear and buying expensive tickets. If this acceptance of failure is the attitude of this team, then they will NEVER win the cup. We could wait decades for that attitude to be taken out of the team. This is really bad guys. It bothers me a lot actually. When the fans care more than the team cares, we have a fuckin problem!!!! If this turns out to be true, then I'm done with this team, and since there is no other team I care about, I would be done with hockey altogether.

  3. See I love that Milbury is saying what most half intelligent people knew all along.

    GM is to blame and it’s been obvious for years

  4. No wrong!!! All the things Swayman does you fools praises Rask for doing the opposite!!!!

    Swayman stays tall!! Cuts angles, doesn’t crouch down with his face on the ice acting like he’s looking for pucks and excuses. Rask always to low and in his net. Most overrated guy ever

    Thank you on the defenseman!!!!!!!

  5. luv Mike. He is Mr. Bruin still remember the shoe incident at Madison Square vividly! Anyway, would the Jacobs support Sweeney building the team through the draft, through Providence? Just look at the Canucks – sure they lost to McDavid but Hughes, Miller, Petterson, Boeser and Demko, Canucks core is young and acquired principally thru the draft. Jacobs family wont but that is what we need to do. Look at the Rangers core – through the draft. Where do we get a #1 and number #2 center, a legit centers. Why would any team give up on a legit # 1 or #2 center. Maybe Beecher could be a 1 or 2 but he needs time, playing time, to develop into that. Sweeney is good, talented at picking players. If Jacobs family gives Sweeney and his scouts time, we cold fill the void at center through the draft. We can acquiring picks through dealing Ullmark and Pastrnak. Yes, Pasternak. Pastrnak has played in 90 playoff game and has a +/ of 2!. Lucic, Bugeron, and Krejci had +/-s in the 30s, 40s and 20s respectively!! We could get a 1st round draft pick for Pasternak. We should do it!

  6. Milbury always seems to have all the answers, but his track record as a front office guy was quite poor. His opinions are antiquated, generally wrong, and he acts like he could do better than current coach or GM. I totally get why NBC canned him. WEEI should find someone better for these interviews.

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