@Maple Leafs de Toronto


Gino Reda et l’animateur d’OverDrive Bryan Hayes discutent des grands changements à venir dans l’alignement des Leafs, y compris de ce qui pourrait devenir l’avenir de Mitch Marner en tant que Maple Leaf. #MitchMarner #AustonMatthews #CraigBerube #LeafsNation


  1. What should be the first order of business for the Maple Leafs this offseason?
    Comment your thoughts down below 👇

  2. Nylander may be a marginally better offensive player than Mitch now, but there's no chance he brings more to the table overall.
    Marner is an exceptional PK'er and ES shutdown guy. Points are not the only things that win hockey games.

  3. Leafs have been built for regular season. It's been all about entertainment with lots of goals. Never built as a playoff team. Let's see who they move out to get players who know how to play in the playoffs. Failure for the last 8 years. Berube kick some but. Pleasure skating for Marner is over.

  4. No changes in 2024/25. Berube may be able to light a fire under the underperformers when Sheldon Keefe couldn't. Sheldon Keefe was consistently outcoached in the playoffs. Don't see that happening with Berube.

  5. I hope marner buys into berubes system and they get their money from Tavares. They can use Brodie and Bettuzzi money to sign a top d man

  6. It needs to stop with the "core (insert number here)" the entire point Berube had to have been making is the fact a team doesn't win on the backs of just 4 or 5 guys..

  7. Also let's remember how polarizing people were on Willy when the Amazon series was out.. this is just how the maple leaf news cycle works

  8. As it is you'll basically always lose a Marner trade. Throw in him having a no-move and teams knowing its only going to be them "in the hunt" for Marner? You'll get such a dogshit return I honestly don't even think its worth doing.

    Moving out Marner for peanuts just to be seen doing something is a great example of Toronto's lunatic fans basically shooting the team in the foot.

  9. At least they make the playoffs! They're not trading Marner no matter how much the TO Media are trying to run him out of town. You don't trade talent. Without Marner's 100 points, Leafs don't even make the playoffs!

  10. jeez why is the conversation between these guys so stressful? It's simple. Leafs changing their identity to a more tougher group. Marner doesn't fit the bill. Berube and Marner will be like oil and water. He won't take a pay cut and he's not worth 10 mill. Can get more tougher and playoff efficient players for way less, and a goalie. Have to trade him somehow, get it done.

  11. Marner 49 points in 57 playoff games. 10 goals terriable. Meanwhile marner is a former 40 goal scorer with the london knights

  12. how is it a debate marner vs nylander? marner is clearly the better player. nylander will never be a selke candidate and this was likely nylanders best season. marner can actually get better than what is peak has been which was already better than nylanders peak.

  13. Mitch is a generational player . Last time a player of the level was traded it was Joe Thornton . How did that turn out for Boston ?

  14. There is zero chance that Marner will be traded until near the 2024-2025 deadline. Berube needs to see what he can do with such a talent before he and Treliving agree that a trade is best for the team.

  15. You dont get rid of marner just to get rid of him. Its the height of stupidity. Tavares is technically the only horrible contract

  16. would keep a Marner before Tavares old loosing a step and young rising star.. lets start to remove some near 100 point forward and get a no points goalie and a 20-25 point D and see where we ned up next season.. in the playoffs or out?

  17. It's incumbent on all Toronto media outlets to LOUDLY announce our desire to acquire the services of Leon Draisaitl and Connor McDavid, by outbidding all offers once they become available. The coach has little to do with it. The Toronto fan base deserve superstar players that actually want to win a Stanley cup, are willing to sacrifice their body/health to accomplish this..unlike the current overpaid "regular season dynamos" that wimp out come playoffs, claiming headaches, or a runny nose..give me a break..the reason Gretzky, Lemieux, Orr, Howe, LaFleur, Bossy, Crosby are revered as the greatest players of all time is because of PLAYOFF success, not regular season, sadly the current lot of overpaid Leafs will inevitably be forgotten like all the other guys that never one a cup if they don't produce, and succeed in the playoffs.. Bowmanville Dave

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