@Canucks de Vancouver

[Friedman] Rick Tocchet de Vancouver a remporté le prix Jack Adams décerné à l’entraîneur de l’année de la LNH

[Friedman] Rick Tocchet de Vancouver a remporté le prix Jack Adams décerné à l’entraîneur de l’année de la LNH



  1. According_Shoe9670

    I’m going to make some spaghetti to celebrate

  2. schlaBAM

    so damn well deserved!

    finally got a preseason bet paying off lol

  3. crude_username

    I think I speak for all fans when I say if we were given a choice at the start of the year, win the cup or win the Jack Adams, we all would choose the Jack Adams

  4. infinitez_

    Congrats Tocc, well deserved. This team has turned around well and you can see coach cares for them as well, not just as a coach but also as a person. The way he would sit with his players and talk to them (ex. consoling Demko about his injury) and also celebrate their wins. I’ll admit I was skeptical at first, but I trust him with this team now.

  5. michgael

    I guess you could now say he’s the… *Tocchet* the town. Congrats!!

  6. Congrats Coach!! i hope to see many more awards in your future!!

  7. De_Floppss

    took off-season expectations and said fuck it, boys lets be the cream of the crop that rises to the top

  8. nitasu987

    ABSOLUTELY happy for Coach Tocchet! Here’s to hopefully many more years under his leadership.

  9. Infinite-Tomorrow-15

    Well deserved !!!
    Lets fucking go

  10. giveitupjatt

    Is there not the NHL awards night this year? Seems so lame with multiple Canucks possibly winning this year.

  11. I was at Tocchet’s first game as head coach. Feelings were still very raw with the way Boudreau’s firing had been handled. The energy in the building that night could best be described as: « You’re not my real dad! ». Received a very lukewarm reception from the crowd when he was introduced on the video board.

    We’re a long way from all that now.

  12. Shakermakerx

    Not since AV have I had full confidence in a coach, even with Bruce taking over for that little run. Well done and well deserved. Big reason why the city has fallen back in love with the sport and team.

  13. MacVanRainin

    Well deserved. He turned that franchise right around. Top tier coaching staff. He earned that award. 👊

  14. onahalladay

    Upvote party!!! Super excited for coach. Well deserved. Made the whole city believe in hard work and 100% effort and accountability.

  15. G-Hoffa

    I’m so happy for Rick Tocchet. What he got out of this team is incredible. He earned this trophy in every way.

  16. pigeonbobble

    Is there no award show or anything they just announce these on Twitter?

  17. allenbraxton

    You’re god damn right! Made a difference since day 1, very well deserved.

  18. No_Character_5315

    Instead of bobble head night to celebrate should be a box of spaghetti night

  19. Charlie2343

    Feel like this award is always the kiss of death

  20. hirins2

    Great news.. for me he is this kind of guy who is super good hearted but fair, he is respected in team, exept game 6 in Edmonton, looked like the team purposly played bad

  21. Historian_Acrobatic

    He probably wins rookie of the year if he suited up and changed his name.

    Well deserved!

  22. LIL_DROP13

    Congrats to Tocchet he’s meant a lot for this organization and the Canucks would not have been above expectations without him

  23. ImAnAfricanCanuck

    I just want to go back and find my comments before Bruce was even hired, and again before he was hired where I suggested Tocchet would be a great coach, and I got shat on. To those handful of people that downvoted me and basically called me dumb for suggesting it, i fuckin’ told you so.

  24. PuzzleheadedHand5441

    That rocks. He was so good in AZ too it just got buried by awful upper management so I’m glad to see him get another shot. He deserves it. Was a stonecold cowboy with the Yotes and would go as far as saying Garland is the beast he is due to Tocchet’s trust of him

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