@Canadiens de Montréal

Montréal occupe le 3e rang pour le plus grand nombre de choix lors des 3 premières rondes au cours des 3 prochaines années.

Montréal occupe le 3e rang pour le plus grand nombre de choix lors des 3 premières rondes au cours des 3 prochaines années.



  1. QuebecNoDiques

    This really puts things into perspective. There’s been considerable buzz lately about who the next Newhook or Dach might be, with many assuming that Winnipeg’s pick will simply be part of a larger trade package to speed up the rebuild. Management feels confident in this approach due to our substantial number of picks, and it seems to be generally well-received by the fan base.

    What are your thoughts? Should we aim for more picks to increase our chances of finding a standout player, stick with our current picks, or trade some to accelerate the rebuild?

    Personally, I don’t like the idea of « accelerating a rebuild, » but if Dach can stay healthy, I believe he has the potential to be a point-per-game player. While it’s a gamble, it could pay off.

  2. HonestDespot

    Fuck at the risk of turning this into a leafs bash post—-

    This really highlights how poorly ran the leafs have been in recent years, they have the fewest picks the next 3 years and by far the least success out of all the other teams around that range.

  3. Major_Estimate_4193

    Somewhere there are six kids in grade ten who we will draft in 2026 and who will raise the cup in 2032

  4. Major_Estimate_4193

    Somewhere there are six kids in grade ten who we will draft in 2026 and who will raise the cup in 2032

  5. La-Spatule

    Thanks Marc Bergevin for that awesome Salary Cap Management !


  6. Habsfan_2000

    Really would be interesting to see a comparison to 5-10 years ago.

  7. Smokealotofpotalus

    Man, when I see all the cap space so many Eastern teams have, and then our measly 8 mil, oh man…

  8. greasydrg

    That’s gotta be some kind of trifecta

  9. kwsteve

    The only thing I give Bergevin credit for is stockpiling picks. Except for the 1st rounder he flushed away for Dvorak, he did pretty well in this regard.

  10. Dazzling_Highway1768

    Patience, trust our great leaders. We got this. Slow and steady. One piece at a time.

  11. Lordsokka

    Our cap space is horrible for the situation we are in. Thanks Mark!

  12. _thewayshegoes

    we’re in for an interesting decade

  13. matthew_sch

    If the cap space increased before COVID like it was supposed to, things would be different

  14. Houssem-Aouar

    We will sign many mid players as usual

  15. Carbogoat

    Toronto and Boston will be circling the drain right around the time we’re ready to compete for the division title.

  16. WeathervaneJesus1

    Seeing the prospect ranking for Ottawa, Boston Tampa and Toronto mean Buffalo, Detroit and Montreal have a promising opportunity ahead of them in the next several years.

  17. davefromgabe

    lost in a lot of rebuilding discussions is the distinction between building a « hockey team » and « collecting good players ».

    Buffalo and Ottawa have done a great job collecting good players. but they don’t have good « hockey teams ». they don’t have chemistry, they don’t give af about each other, and their playstyles don’t mesh well and compliment each other.

    what I see from the way the canadiens have been building their team, is that there seems to be an emphasis on personalities, and players having roles on the team that fit their skills. they seem to like acquiring canadian players as well (newy, dach, math)

  18. Capt_Pickhard

    If we have a lot of picks like that, I think that helps the case for trying to improve the quality of the pick.

    But, it’s hard to say what they know, and what the players might be available at what phase of the draft. And they might not have enough information to make a decision like that until they see how the picking has developed.

    Idk what the prospects are like, so, I have no idea if that would be a good idea.

    But, I feel Montreal is very close. And I like the types of people we have in management, so, I am optimistic that they will make good decision given the available information.

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