@Canucks de Vancouver

Pettersson, Boeser, Hughes et DeSmith – Disponibilité des médias de fin d’année 2023-2024

Écoutez Elias Pettersson, Brock Boeser, Quinn Hughes et Casey DeSmith lors du dernier point de presse de la saison 2023-2024. Si vous souhaitez vous tenir au courant de toutes les dernières nouvelles, faits saillants, fonctionnalités et contenu All-Access Canucks, assurez-vous de vous abonner à l’un ou à tous nos flux sociaux, que vous pouvez trouver ci-dessous. #Canucks Abonnez-vous à la chaîne YouTube officielle des Canucks ici : http://www.youtube.com/Canucks Vous pouvez également nous suivre sur Twitter (@Canucks) : http://twitter.com/canucks Consultez notre page Facebook : http ://facebook.com/canucks Voir des photos et des vidéos sur Instagram : http://instagram.com/Canucks Chaque chaîne est assez unique, donc si vous voulez voir tout ce que les Canucks ont, vous voudrez certainement consulter chaque chaîne.


  1. These Vancouver Canucks just got a taste of the magic in the playoffs, they will the hungry and focused for next season 100%

  2. Thanks boeser , Hughes, desmith for a fantastic year. , Petterson why didn’t you rest , bone head

  3. The regular season is too long – something I’ve always loathed about the NHL format.
    How can a team be expected to have a great start and then ramp it up for the last months into the playoffs?
    – Seems unsustainable and impossible to stay healthy

  4. I hope the reporters ask Tocchet and Alvin about what sense it makes to have "Petey" play with Minor league and 4th line wingers all play-offs

  5. sometimes we forget, its just hockey.. it is important, but its also not important. vancouver is a unique franchise where it has talk radio dissect everything, with whiny radio hosts picking apart everything. Unknowingly creating scapegoats and heroes of any given week. god bless.

  6. Before I even click this to play and watch. I cant wait for the same questions that they were asked last wk AND cmon whoever asks Boeser the first Q…ask him how he is doing health wise before some hockey question…..ok lets go listen

  7. 90+ Point Season For Quinn Who Would Of Thought That When The Season Started and Brock 40 Goals Both Had Career Seasons

  8. Oilers fan, appreciating the team you guys have. Solid, great group of guys, with good heads on their shoulders. What an amazing series to watch, regardless of the outcome. I cannot say enough how impressive Silovs was. What an amazing step up, and I’m very happy for him. To quote one of my buddies during G7 “if they lose, it’s not gonna be because of this guy”.

    Thanks for a great series, Canucks.

  9. This has the vibe of a funeral, you can tell how much these guys believed in themselves. This is gonna be a scary team to face next year.

  10. Joeynova. I was not alowed to answer you by youtube so I have to do it like this. I wrote abot the team not only 2 players.

  11. Well fellas you guys made a season ticket holder out of me. Cant wait for next year. Go Canucks go

  12. Like to see Petey bulk up a bit this summer, can tell he hates talking to the media almost as much as Demko

  13. If pettersson was injured in january, it seems completely ridiculous that the canucks didn't give him time off during the season to allow his injury to heal. Seems like another indictment of the medical staff. Not much they can do about Brock getting clots, possibly a vaccine injury.

  14. Oilers fan here. Sad to see Boeser couldn't play 7. The guy was a beast through the series and a serious thorn in our sides. Thanks for a wickedly amazing series Vancouver. 🔥

  15. I like the answers they gave but they probably should have waited a couple weeks for this.. these guys are shell shocked and haven’t had the time to think about it. I think we all knew Petey was injured or something was at least bothering him, and the timeline adds up. Boeser is turning into a real leader on this team. Really proud of this group this year

  16. This absolutely disrespectful…. wtf… wow. Is this something that the "nhl" is okay with….
    Talking about losing is not okay. From my point of view
    What is the point of this press conference??????

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