@Devils du New Jersey

Sheldon Keefe est le prochain entraîneur-chef des Devils du New Jersey !

Avec les noms constants mentionnés et les rumeurs tourbillonnant sur l’identité du prochain entraîneur-chef des Devils du New Jersey, il a été annoncé que Sheldon Keefe serait le prochain entraîneur-chef des Devils du New Jersey ! Dans cette vidéo, je discute de ma réaction à l’annonce de Keefe comme nouveau patron du banc des Devils et de la façon dont c’est une bonne décision. Keefe a connu un énorme succès avec les Maple Leafs de Toronto, les entraînant aux séries éliminatoires chaque saison, mais n’a pas réussi à les faire surmonter l’obstacle au moment des séries éliminatoires. Keefe peut-il trouver plus de succès avec des stars des Devils comme Jack Hughes, Nico Hischier, Jesper Bratt, Timo Meier, Luke Hughes et Simon Nemec et compagnie. Tom Fitzgerald peut-il en ajouter davantage à cette liste pour aider les Devils à concourir pour une coupe Stanley. J’ai discuté de tout cela dans cette vidéo. #newjerseydevils #sheldonkeefe #torontomapleleafs #njdevils #mapleleafs


  1. Indifferent, i dont mind it, wasnt my first choice, he won in the AHL, and is good wit young guys.. plus Toronto is a different beast than New Jersey..

  2. The one concern being his playoff record is NOT something that I'm worrying about. Pretty much the entire hockey media and a lot of Toronto fans have all said that the playoff failures was not on the coaching, it was on the team. They also went up against really tough teams every year and "Leafs are gonna Leaf". Keefe can get this NJ team to find their way back to the playoffs and then it's going to be on the players to ante up and kick in to find ways to win from there. I think we all know that Fitzy is going to try to find the keys to goaltending and defense in the offseason, so give Keefe a complete team and I think he's going to do well in NJ.

  3. I hope he can keep up his regular season success and surpass his playoff records. I do think he was handicapped by the cap situation in toronto. Its a good point to bring him in if he can provide feedback on the roster. Fitz has to sign some different kinds of players (and a goalie) and maybe keefe has some thoughts based on what would bring success in the playoffs

  4. He did a good job in Toronto. Some players need a change of scenario to be more successful, I hope that happens with coach and Devils. Regards bro, Is it october? 😂

  5. Iam a Toronto MapleLeafs Fan. I Think that New Jersey did a Good job in Hiring Sheldon Keefe he do a good job Job Coaching the New Jersey Devils. I Hope he Does well in New Jersey. He has lots of Work ahead of him, However he Should Succeed.

  6. "His playoff record sucks" 1) he's not solely responsible for Toronto being cursed 2) at least makes the playoffs every year which has not been the case for our team, 2009-2010 was the last time we made the playoffs in back to back season. He's a young guy with room to grow with this core, excited about this hire and I think we're going to see a lot of success under him.

  7. New scene, new team. Keefe will get this offense humming. Fitz just needs to add a few pieces (goalie + defense) in the offseason. I'm happy.

  8. Hell rally your troops up with a let's go have some fun rant lol you'll be a good seasoned team all the best

  9. I'm a lifetime leaf fan and loved Sheldon Keefe. I understood why he had to go. He made some mistakes and I think he will learn from his mistakes and it should make him an even better coach in NJ. Devils fans should see some entertaining games and Sheldon isn't afraid to get that "blender" out. He'll teach the forwards to play better fefensively and that will help the Devils succeed. I wish him luck but not when he's playing the leafs.

  10. Leafs fan here. A great coach. Team overachieved. One of the highest man games lost during the season. Injuries to Nylander and Matthews in the first round and still made it to the 7th game in OT. Only once were they favoured in a series and they won that. Yes they lost to Montreal but lost their captain in the first game. They outplayed them still but they got goalied by Price who made it to the final. Seriously a solid coach who will bring a winning attitude to NJ. Similar teams with similar issues with good young forwards, suspect goaltending and soft defence. He'll do fine. Great hire.

  11. My choice would have been Berube, but once he was taken, Keefe is my 2nd choice. Hopefully, he learned that accountability is necessary and takes appropriate steps to get the most out of our young players. Keefe is supposedly a great communicator so if Holtz is on the team next year, there won't be any of Lindy's head games.

  12. Totally agree, he should be just the guy to get us to win consistently. Just hope he instills a great culture. We definitely have some passengers on this ride.

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