@Canucks de Vancouver

GM Allvin et l’entraîneur-chef Tocchet – Disponibilité des médias de fin d’année 2023-2024

Écoutez le directeur général des #Canucks Patrik Allvin et l’entraîneur-chef Rick Tocchet lors du dernier point de presse de la saison 2023-2024. Si vous souhaitez vous tenir au courant de toutes les dernières nouvelles, faits saillants, fonctionnalités et contenu All-Access Canucks, assurez-vous de vous abonner à l’un ou à tous nos flux sociaux, que vous pouvez trouver ci-dessous. #Canucks Abonnez-vous à la chaîne YouTube officielle des Canucks ici : http://www.youtube.com/Canucks Vous pouvez également nous suivre sur Twitter (@Canucks) : http://twitter.com/canucks Consultez notre page Facebook : http ://facebook.com/canucks Voir des photos et des vidéos sur Instagram : http://instagram.com/Canucks Chaque chaîne est assez unique, donc si vous voulez voir tout ce que les Canucks ont, vous voudrez certainement consulter chaque chaîne.


  1. This team really needs more Canadian players. Players with more grit than the majority of the Europeans currently.

  2. I personally really like Allvin’s attitude. Benning’s benchmark was “it’s day-to-day, if we make the playoffs then anything can happen” and that was a pretty awful attitude that didn’t push towards any progress. This year was super successful but Allvin’s right in saying “only round 2”. Gotta push the players to know that better results are possible and this isn’t the peak.

  3. idc what Patrick says, Ilya Mikheyev sucks! He needs to be dumped! All speed no hands. 2024 version of Mason Raymond.

  4. Tocc doesn't see the value in a shot and a rebound? Why? Do you value shooting pucks at defenders more than at the goalie? I get the Tocchet love. But the idea that shooting the puck on the net has no value without your own players clogging the lane is absurd. We made Edmonton look like the 2012 LA Kings cause this team refuses to shoot the puck on net unless 6 dudes are in the lane. The lamest hockey cliche around is "You miss 100% of the shots you don't take." I get the philosophy of getting sticks on pucks and taking away the goalie's eyes. But at the same time, we shouldn't be holding pucks til the defenders remove passing lanes and shooting lanes. But there's gotta be some room for just throwing the puck on net and hoping for a rebound chance too.

  5. Canucks pour it on too little to late. what can you expect from a young goaltender under that much pressure. Frankly let Demco go nice guy good goaltender when he plays, same as last year prone to injury. We would have won if he he had been in goal

  6. It's good to see the fire from Allvin, speak a lot from management standpoint with the new standard and expectation they have in themselves and the team. We will have many good years to come.

  7. I certainly hope Alvin and Tocchet explain why they thought it made sense to play "Petey" with minor league and 4th line players throughout the Playoffs.

  8. When Allvin talks about young players knocking on the door, does anyone know who the 2-3 guys are that will be stepping into the lineup? I'm looking at Lekkermaki, Raty, Podkolzin and Aman. Are there any others? Will Willander and Petterson2 step in?

  9. One playing Aman, mikheyev, pdg, Lafferty over podkolzin was just down right fn foolish

  10. Sounds like Dakota Joshua isn't coming back or am I reading what Allvin said wrong about finding the next Dakota Joshua for the coaching staff to work with.

  11. I love the thought process of Allvin & Tocchet and i can’t wait for next year!!💙💚

  12. Been following this team for 30+ years. This has been the best most cohesive management and coaching this team has ever seen. They are clear and concise in sharing their POV.

  13. Podkolzon, Amans, bains, saisson. Maybe raty, lekkiramaki, Patterson.

    Think they will find a couple of gems in FA like they did this year.😊

  14. AT this level. Lafferty? Phil D? Noah Juulsen ???<<<<<<< they do anything? next on the list Joshua was good for stretch with Garland but he can go also—-(PODZ/Hoglander/ < Starters all year—-find 1 player in FA….—Mikeyhev hmm maybe 1 more chance—got speed and creates alot just has to learn to finish and this team will be GREAT–(worry about Lindholm and Zadarov signing

  15. Good season boys , excited for the off season I love the vision of management for once willing to move and go after what they need sounds promising .. go Canucks go

  16. Need to make some really hard decisions Demko is fragile Mlkheyev is where plays go to die and the Hughes -Hronek combo is good to excellent but not as good as it needs to be especially as concerns Hughes protection.UFA's that we have keep Big Z Lindholm Chaos Giraffe everyone else can be replaced if need be

  17. Rick is a great coach..Allvin and Rutherford are snakes and will never win….what they did to Bruce was a disgrace and Rutherford and allvin should have resigned…Bruce is the one who turned the franchise around..Then the next year with these donkies stated they are talking to other coaches while Bruce was still coaching..Its a joke and these guys trust me will never win a cup…Rick should eventually leave and work for class high integrity management….Who arent snakes….

  18. Lesson = gain killer instinct to end it in 6. Show up even a little bit in that game. Lesson for game 7, play even 10 more mins like the last 10. We would've won.

  19. Anybody else kinda regret us not getting Kessel earlier in the year? I didnt want him before but now i kinda feel like he could've helped with our lazy wingers

  20. Based on the answers given by GM Patrik Allvin and the grit that Coach Tocchet has injected into this team mid-season, I think it's safe to say the Canucks are going to be a threat in the Western Conference for many more years to come.

  21. The Canucks need tough guys to protect our players on the ice. Like when the Canucks had protect pavel bure because the Canucks protect bure. 31:13

  22. Everyone can walk. We can sign any player and they will be just fine. We have a good system and coaches. No need to over pay for Joshua, zadprov, and even Lindholm. They should go after Jake guentzel to play with Petey

  23. Maybe rest your goalie and 'star player' petterson during the regular season more and you would have won..burn out your best players bad management

  24. Canucks are the most jinxed team with injuries. And like the sabres they will never win a cup..They quit in game 6..pathetic outing. The owners are a joke don't spend money on marquis forwards, alvin guy even said not enough money lol..the best forward theyve had in 30 years is marcus naslund.. messier didnt count.. its a loser franchise for a loser city. Unfortunately canada will never win a stanley cup again. Welcome to the new nhl where american owners buy cups.

  25. I like Tocchet, but it seems like there was a difference in opinion between Petey and Rick, Petey's exit interview seemed to suggest he had an injury that needed rest, and Rick made it seem like it was only tendonitis,and that Petey would be able to play through it, Rick should have rested Petey before the playoffs, some things you shouldn't play through, plus Rick kinda through Petey under the bus when he wouldn't admit to Petey's injury during the season

  26. i just started watching canucks because of shilovs and bluegers , i wasnt even interested in nhl games before. world cups and olympics

  27. The Canucks have a solid foundation to build from. They will evaluate their roster and make the correct decisions.

    This core will learn and improve from it. The future looks bright.

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