@Canucks de Vancouver

Les Canucks continuent de SURPRENDRE tout le monde…

Les Canucks de Vancouver battent les Oilers d’Edmonton dans le cinquième match 3-2, JT Miller avec un but CLUTCH, Elias Pettersson avait l’air bien, Connor Mc David était énervé, et maintenant les Canucks ont une chance de gagner leur place en finale de conférence avec seulement 1 but. plus de victoire ! Faites-moi part de vos impressions sur le jeu ! Twitter : https://twitter.com/DeanerHd


  1. Still salty about Hyman not getting suspended for cross checking Zadorov in the face right after Soucy hit McDavid. The only half decent argument I have seen for why he wasn't suspended is that his stick rode up Zadorovs equipment, but correct me if I'm wrong Morgan Reilly was suspended multiple games (5?) for doing the same thing to that Ottawa player

  2. my mother and I went! (her first playoff game after being a canuck fan for 50 years!) and she was fully saying if we went to OT she might have to go watch it in the hallway 😅😅😅 THANK YOU JT MILLER

  3. I might be saying this prematurely, but I think Peterson is going to be a Demon in game 6. I think he’s got his groove back. And now that people doubt his abilities I think he’s gonna have more space to snipe shots.

  4. Шилов Артур ! Только вперёд слышишь ! За тебя вся Латвия болеет ( до сих пор). На—- Рижское Динамо и сборную , ты достоин большего , только не сдавайся !

  5. If you watched Vancouver play this year, this shouldn't be a surprise at all. Reason everyone downplays it is because of the media bias against the Canucks. If they do win the cup this year, people will still find ways to trash talk the team. I'm happy we're labeled as underdogs and are showing the world how good we can be!

  6. Hey man, why isn't anybody talking about the little man…powerhouse Connor Garland? He's a lifeline for that team bro. He's a firecracker you want something Connor gets it going

  7. Out of 9 games since the start of the season, Oilers have won 2, and were outscored overall by a hefty margin. And of those 2….one went to OT, and the other was VERY close right to the end.

    Someone please explain to me how the Oilers are better?

    perfect example of how the collective ego restricts fundamental logic from the human brain.

  8. I'm an MN fan, but I really wanna see Vancouver win this year! I used to love the rivalry between the Canucks and the Wild in the 00's. Now we've got the Jets, and they just try to hurt Kap whenever they can…

  9. Hey Deaner . Started watching awhile ago. Instantly love your view of the game. And knowing the history of canucks and our attitude towards other teams. Keep pumping out the videos . After playoffs prob won't follow lmao jk .

  10. All season the rest of the league has been constantly underestimating the Canucks lol

    Since the first month of the season "the Canucks aren't actually this good" "the Canucks performance is not sustainable" "the Canucks will fall off soon" "Nashville in 5" "Edmonton sweep"

  11. im a canucks fan, you arent allowed to leave your feet for a hit. sometimes its called roughing or charging as it doesnt really have its own classification

  12. Petey getting charging for standing still had me fucking FUMING.

    At least call it right. Roughing. Elbowing. At least give me a chance to accept it. You cannot charge someone if you are standing still. Full stop. He anticipated the hit too soon and popped an early reverse hit. 2 minutes for protecting yourself from a check as far as i can tell. Did the elbow even get in? I dont know. But stupid call.

  13. Not that I agree with the call man, but it says in the NHL rules you can't leave the your feet off the ice. So technically but not technically….. Don't listen to me. Go Canucks go. I'm just being mr.technical😅😂

  14. Well why would you say that all year long the Canucks have been a top team. Odds makers give the nod to Edmonton in this series but all the regular games played between the 2 teams this season were won by Vancouver the first game was a huge blow out. The Canucks are going to overwhelm the oilers and win the series bet on it.

  15. I hope the Canucks learnt from the 2011 Stanley Cup Finals. Boston Bruins destroyed the Canucks in Game 7 of the Stanley Cup Finals because they kept hitting the Canucks.

  16. we were suppose to be done in 5 everyone called it and now they are saying 7 games. They have been wrong all the way along. Lets see a game 6 win so we can shut down all these debbie downers. This year is a canucks year time to put all those bad memories to rest

  17. Keep surprising who? The idiot talking heads who Know Jack about hockey? It's funny but the ex pros know – they've been saying it for awhile ( those who've seen them play).

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