@Flyers de Philadelphie

Ainsi commence l’histoire…

TK demande une prolongation de contrat de 10 millions de dollars




  1. Arseling69

    Fuck it I’d do 10×5 if he wants that much. 2 mill overpay but you get him from 27-32 so basically his entire prime with none of the bad years locked up. Tell him to take a sweetheart deal or bounce at age 33.

  2. Sleezoid

    I get negotiations, but someone show him a list of what 10 million dollar players look like and have him look us back in the eye and say “I’m one of those players”

  3. Diamondback424

    Posturing. The Flyers want to pay him $7.5-$8m, TK wants >$8.5m. This to me makes it sound like they’re set on giving him a long term deal. I doubt he gets traded unless someone offers a king’s ransom. Possible, but unlikely for a winger.

    Edit: this « report » is from 2 dudes in Wildwood. I’ll wait until I hear from legit sources…

  4. PwillyAlldilly

    Time for that trade…. I love him but not for 10 mil.

  5. TheGreatDudebino

    Are we considering the source here?

  6. Flyersandcaps

    Do these guys have any news credibility?

  7. DH28Hockey

    I get posturing happens in just about every contract talk, but man, 10AAV is *way* too high for a winger who has never hit 70 points and is a poor defensive player. I’ve long been in the « wait and see » camp with TK, but if this report is true I have a hard time imagining this ends with him signing a contract that makes any sense whatsoever for this team long term

  8. TwoForHawat

    God I hope TK’s ask continues to be unreasonable enough that Danny Briere remembers it makes way more sense to trade him regardless of what the cap hit would be.

  9. Mesothelioma1021

    People here know the cap is projected to go over $90 million after next season right? 10 million AAV will be the new going rate for 1st line caliber players, and Konecny is one.

  10. No_Bank_330

    I love TK but we have too many people on the right side. With the coming addition of the Russian he is an asset we can use to shore up the center position.

  11. FlyorDieJM

    Chris Maher, seriously? He’s not a journalist he’s just a fan boy.

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