@Kraken de Seattle

Comment fonctionne le repêchage d’extension du Seattle Kraken 2021 et à quoi s’attendre lors de leur première saison

Nous savons depuis un moment à quoi ressemblerait le repêchage d’expansion 2021 pour le Seattle Kraken. Cependant, avec l’enthousiasme nouvellement revigoré autour de l’équipe après l’annonce du nom, beaucoup de gens se demandent à quoi cela ressemblera. Voici donc à quoi ressemblera le repêchage d’expansion de la LNH 2021 pour le Seattle Kraken et ce que cela pourrait signifier pour le Kraken. MISE À JOUR : la règle d’exposition des matchs 40/70 a été modifiée à 27 matchs en 2021 ou 54 entre les 2 dernières saisons. En savoir plus sur les avantages de l’ABC à Seattle : https://youtu.be/e_szPx2mdAQ


  1. Goaltending, third and fourth lines will be key to this teams success out of the gate. That’s how Vegas was so successful in year one (along with gifts from FLA and CBJ). They were the league’s most balanced team. Taking each team’s 10-12th best player means we should have a killer bottom 6 and a very balanced lineup. With the stagnant camp, I believe we’ll have the opportunity to snatch a couple solid top 6 forwards and top 4 defensemen on bad contracts.
    Personally I’d love to see WA natives TJ Oshie and Tyler Johnson on the team, along with goaltender Jacob Markstrom from Vancouver.

  2. I like to know why vegas was excluded from the draft? Are they too proud? Are they too good to be in it? What?

  3. Vegas made it to the finals in the first year and are better than some other teams like Detroit so why the hell are they exempt?

  4. Uh… Why is there an Atlanta Thrashers logo in the background of the thumbnail for this video? They're the Winnipeg Jets now.

  5. Hey man,I´m from Portugal, your video is amazing I´m in the sport for two weeks and this videos are actually helpful, very helpful! There are so many things that I don´t really understand, but I think with time I will start to understand. The only think is the games times ahaha because in Portugal the games are ate 1am to 4 am, so it´s very hard to watch live games, I can only see the highlights at the NHL Youtube Chanel, if you know a way to watch the games later I would appreciated! Thank you for the videos!!!!

  6. you guys did pretty good: rain, coffee, space needle & it's a very beautiful city, brand new arena w/ very passionate fans

  7. I don't think Vegas should be exempt from the expansion draft. They've been in the league long enough.

  8. Dude, thanks for the informative video (and for the educational NHL 101 series). I had a very general idea about ice hockey, being from a 3rd world country in the southern hemisphere. After watching all your NHL 101 videos, I feel that I can actually move forward and start following my favourite NHL team (Calgary Flames) and actually understand what's going on on a deeper level.

  9. First time viewing your channel. quick critique – while you have an excellent broadcast accent (neutral), you actually have to open your mouth to speak. Move your jaw. It's like Thurston Howell.

  10. Lots of decent info and very much appreciated. However, you talk way too fast and your voice is monotonic, which made it impossible for me (an old guy) to finish watching this video. Again, thanks for the explanation, and if you slow down a bit and use a bit of expression in your reports, I will define subscribe!!!
    Best of luck!

  11. What I don't get is, a draft usually has 2 or more teams. How do you do a draft with just one team? They'd have the only pick in each round?

  12. Yo bud, I have a question though: If a new team like Seattle in this case take one player of each team, how do the other teams make up for the deficit? Do they make up for it at all? Thx for the good content and keep it coming, helps new fans like myself out a ton 😉


  13. I've started watching your videos yesterday and have already burned through 30 or so (no I'm definitely not watch while working). Needless to say I love them. They're very well done. Entertaining, interesting, helpful, well edited and nicely paced. I'm really surprised there aren't more subs or views.
    I also have to say I have all the envy for your jerseys and other merch, given I live in Europe and it's really hard to find stuff here.

  14. Thanks for your 4 part series introduction to NHL team. I've been playing inline hockey back in the days and I have always wanted to find my favourite NHL team. Due to timezone issues (hard to follow American sports in Europe), I have never put too much effort on my quest to pick-a-team. After watching your videos, and being aware of the new Seattle team, I've decided to follow Kraken matches (I do love Scandinavian mythology). Let's see how the second season will go

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