@Oilers d'Edmonton

POST BRUT | Kris Knoblauch 25.05.24

Kris s’adresse aux médias alors que son équipe est tombée face aux Stars de Dallas samedi soir, nouant ainsi la série à un.


  1. NHL standard for penalties definitely changes in the playoffs. Kris did well to avoid a fine with his answer.

  2. PLEASE don’t pull the goalie if a one point difference!! It has not been successful all year…our defence isn’t strong enough, let’s let the team keep playing for a chance to tie…look back at other times this year has it ever been successful??

  3. Kris needs to go back to game 1 defensive pairings and continue as game 1 to shut them down at the blue line . that WORKED .
    Kris reverting to previous defense pairing is what contributed to the loss .

    the split is still a good place to be at and now home ice advantage will allow Oilers to dominate game 3 and 4 with victories is a strong position .

    We weren't going to win every game anyway . its all good .

  4. Take Ryan McLeod out and put in a bag of pucks, you’ll probably get more out of that

  5. Hey Kris, Sam over here in the YouTube chat.
    What’s it like knowing Bettman has a thing for favouring American teams over Canadian teams this close to the Stanley cup final?

  6. Too many give aways, playing in yr own zone. Skinner is the only one that showed up if it was for him the score would of been higher than that, pulling the goalie with at much time left was stupid.

  7. McDAVID has got to be free from the held in check formula DALLAS is using. He was able to do damage against LA. Couldn’t do it as much or at all against VANCOUVER. Got to get him with bigger players to free him up to do damage. I had a bad feeling that DALLAS WAS GOING TO WIN GAME 2. Oilers have got to be 60 minutes of up tempo hockey on them. And bad decision by you KRIS to pull STU SKINNER so soon as it was not received by the team and gave DALLAS a wide open net.

  8. Oh my God he said its tougher for the Oilers to draw penalties in the Playoffs inferring the Officials are not consistent inferring something smells fishy in Denmark."Its not fair for Us?"…OMG… Yes he tried to qualify he doesnt feel that way as an NHL Coach but he had heard rumors….wow…maybe a bad idea…could have passed on the Question Buddy. I would have passed on that Question.

  9. first shot on "swiss cheese" skinner and Goal ))) after that game was over!🤪did McDavid played or just skated tonight ?😝
    loser knob : bla – bla -bla🤪

  10. Ryan Mcleod was sitting beside me at Cactus Club getting hammered on st pattys day and had a horrible next game. He has been mediocre in these playoffs and needs to sit for Henrique. Oilers didnt show enough desperation after Marchment’s goal, getting too cute with the passes and not throwing shots on net for rebounds. Need to do way better against this team

  11. Ok I’m sick of you do something about McLeod or scratch him and put a better player in we have some nhl vets in the minors like gagner

  12. Could’ve easily been 4-1 for Oilers after first period, they had point blank chances and couldn’t finish the goal, just like McDavid in game one. Can’t win if they keep playing like that.

  13. The 3rd line is an absolute train wreck. McLeod is so afraid of getting hit it's hard to watch. I lost count how many times McLeod just gifts the puck to Dallas because he's petrified of getting hit. I also lost count as to how many goals he's helped the other guys put in our net. How is McLeod's physical weakness not an embarrassment for the team The ship will sink quickly if McLeod continues to be in the lineup. Someone ring the bell…we had a double K brain fart in the last 2 minutes of the game. Knoblauch and Kane just pissed that game away in the last 2 minutes. Not to mention the brutal game losing line change…not noticing that Kane got turned into into scrambled eggs as soon as he crossed the blue line turning over the puck. It's like Knoblauch and the Oilers have never pulled their goalie before. Another Christmas gift for Dallas. Will the real Stu Skinner please step forward. Once again, Skinner let's in the first shot on net. Oilers were in complete control of this game and decided to go on vacation in the 2nd and 3rd.

  14. If this is the Oilers next level (as every Oiler player proudly said in every interview leading up to game 2) I don't wanna know what taking a step backward looks like.

  15. I like the split, Great game, looking forward to game 3. Dallas has a great team BUT Edmonton is better. Nice we have the players just to make adjustments,Let's Go oilers

  16. Rolling the lines..remains a way for your players to be creative ..it’s the role players who slip in and generate the much needed unexpected goals. Okay, Connor Brown.

    Dallas is more than ready for the dynamic duo..

  17. They were passing when they should be shooting and shooting when they should've been passing. Also no screens nobody in frond of the net to pick up rebounds

  18. Tell your Team Oilers to check them!!! Kick them! Don’t let Team Oilers be injured from other team!

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