@Golden Knights de Vegas

Golden Knights de l’Utah : comment l’équipe de Las Vegas de la LNH a gagné des fans dans le Beehive State

« À ce moment-là, je savais que cette chose allait se terminer », réfléchit Devon Dixon de St. George à propos de la façon dont les Golden Knights de Vegas ont rempli le sud de l’Utah de fans de hockey.


  1. "it's a new sport"….really? The first Stanley Cup was awarded back in the late 1800, so it most definitely does not fall in the "new" sport category.

  2. Very good video! Continue creating worthy content and you will expand quickly! Subscribe to our channel and so we shall subscribe to you!

  3. This is the true definition and absolute epitome of BANDWAGON FANS. Phoenix Arizona had an NHL hockey team for a long time right next door to Utah directly to the south and I guarentee you none of these guys in this video ever went to a Phoenix / Arizona Coyote game where the team struggles so often to sell tickets that they have to give tickets away. The last guy even admitted that this was his first time watching NHL hockey, before he was an NBA fan. These fairweather bandwagon jumpers only cheer for the Golden Knights because they are winning. I can guarentee you when the Golden Knights start slumping and fail to make the playoffs in consecutive seasons that these bandwagon riders will be no where to be found and T-Mobil arena will sit half empty. Up in Canada, every single regular season NHL game sells out even if the home team has consistent losing seasons.

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