@Maple Leafs de Toronto

[Image] – Rencontre Marner et Bérubé ce matin via le compte IG @spittinchiclets

[Image] – Rencontre Marner et Bérubé ce matin via le compte IG @spittinchiclets



  1. richardvdp

    Teaching some prayers I guess ⛪️

  2. huffer4

    The arm crossing. He’s such an intimidating guy. I really wonder if this is what Marner needs, or if he’s past that point.

  3. Svalbard38

    This is gonna be a great day for amateur body language analysts.

  4. bknoreply

    It’s all kind of irrelevant. I suppose there’s a pretty good chance Berube will coach him for a bit during the regular season, but he’s going to want an amount of money we’d be stupid to pay. You can’t coach a guy into taking 3-4 million less than what he’d get on another team. 

  5. toedragrelease

    Already making him write a list I see

  6. reggierock2010

    Where are they lmao those chairs look rough

  7. rakketz

    Interesting they chose a public spot for a meeting.

  8. Rough-Rhubarb6969

    He is telling him
    I’m either replacing the chairs here or I’m going to be replacing you

  9. Nick9161

    Muskoka Mitch explains the griddy to old man in dilapidated Coffee Time – 2024.

  10. BigMick20

    Mitch looks sad. That’s a good sign

  11. Glum_Neighborhood358

    Formal attire vs thong sandals

  12. AdamAAndrews

    He has such an intimidating vibe. Look at him

  13. Strangle1441

    Do you guys think Marner brought his mirror with him, to show the coach how he’s been working on looking at himself in it this offseason?

  14. MrPangus

    Here we go, now people will convince themselves marner will become a different player at 28

  15. Routine-Pass-8486

    Can think of at least one other leaf who’ll hate Berube’s demands of working hard without the puck and backcheck hard

  16. LopsidedKick9149

    I don’t think it is even a conspiracy thing to say their posture/demeanor is super interesting. Berube arms crossed sitting straight up and Marner just looking defeated or just exhausted.

  17. HeyMarty10thalready

    He’s got his ballerina shoes on

  18. MadFlava76

    I hope Berube told him to get rid of the security firm he hired to harass journalist.

  19. Redragontoughstreet

    Marner is wearing a wire so his agent, dad and private security can listen in.

  20. leafsbroncos18

    He’ll have to fly to az because god forbid 34 spends one second longer in this city than he’s required to

  21. Morganvegas

    Mitch wearing flip flops 🤣🤣🤣

  22. Rheostatistician

    « …and next time you’re at a Raptors game and a pretty girl with big tiddies is sitting next to your wife, look at her and introduce yourself. Your wife will love it. »

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