@Canadiens de Montréal

Les responsables ont-ils bien compris l’appel de Jacob Trouba ?

Les responsables ont-ils bien compris l’appel de Jacob Trouba ? L’analyste de TSN Hockey, Martin Biron, se joint à SC avec Jay Onrait pour partager ses réflexions sur le coup sûr de Trouba sur Evan Rodrigues qui lui a valu une pénalité de deux minutes pour coup de coude.


  1. We've seen two huge dirty hits on Wennberg and Zibanijad and they want to cry about this one when he obviously embellished on what was a glancing blow, admittedly stupid and derserving of a penalty. They didn't even call a penalty on one of those dirty hits and the other, which was clearly a suspendible hit since it was primary contact to the face, was 2 min for, of all things, interference. Maurice is smart enough not to go there when he absolutely LOVES the way this series is being officiated to the Panthers' advantage.

  2. As a ranger fan I kinda was hoping for the game and suspension so we can get Zac Jones in the lineup , Trouba has been a liability all post-season. Kreider or Vinnie T needs to wear the C next season.

  3. Igor isn't perfect. No goalie is. Every now and then he lets up a muffin from distance but they're few and far between. Plus the more the pressure is on, the better his game gets. I can't think of any other goalie I'd want in the league if I had my choice going into an OT period.

  4. GOOD call , he grazed his shoulder more than his face or head If everybody takes a look at the video closely, Rodriguez tried to sell that call LETS GO RANGERS , I can’t stand hatters , Put the panthers to bed , we deserve to win that game plus a shorthanded goal we got 🤷‍♂️LGR

  5. Understand the neck is not designed to go sideways…he hit him in the neck with his elbow. It could have broken his neck. Lucky he is ok. The Rule should be head or neck not just head.

  6. I can not take the NHL seriously, just because of shit like this. This is a major, as major as it gets. Trouba tries to injure his opponents, officials are there to take care of these lunatics.

  7. If Kulikov did not get a major, then Trouba should not. Kulikov got a lot more of the head.

  8. It’s remarkable that Rodrigues has made it this far in a sport like hockey when he was dead for 2 minutes from a hit to the back

  9. In a stunning turn of events, the Florida Panthers just signed that opossum we all saw 2 weeks ago in the video where he played dead and got back up about 6 times.

  10. Should have been 5 minutes for elbow to the head and 1 game for being so stupid in a play-off game. Could easily have cost the Rangers the game.

  11. That's a bunch of horse shit, Trouba knew exactly what he was doing it's not his first rodeo, Trouba is a dirty rat. He should get at least 2 games suspension for his intent to injure

  12. Don't really mind he got away with a minor but Trouba is a pretty dangerous player! Quite often goes for the headshot.

    Bit wrong cause the game has changed quite a bit but did you see commentators back in the going " you know Ulf Samuelsson just tried to stop Cam Neely" He was called dirty, same goes for Trouba. Probably not as dirty but still…

  13. Rodrigues faked it all the way. Funny how he was back on the ice a mere few minutes after laying there like he was knocked unconscious. The faker should pay Trouba’s fine. His acting is like his hockey. It sucks

  14. Trouba is dirty and is known to go after players. 5 minute major, fine and suspension at least 2 games. He's a complete jerk. You need to take into account who is throwing the hit. If Zabanajed or Panarin throw that hit, it's still a major but i would not suspend or fine either as they are clean players. Bennett as a bit of a dirty player as well gets the same deal, major, 2 game suspension and fine.

  15. That was a dirty hit. The NHL DPOS is as big of a joke as the refs. I can't believe people gamble on this garbage league. smh

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