@Canadiens de Montréal

Lostarinen, Lomberg & Coach Maurice | Entretiens pratiques ECF | 5.23.24

0:00 – Eetu Luostarinen & Ryan Lomberg 4:38 – Coach Maurice Restez connecté avec les #FloridaPanthers : Abonnez-vous 👉 https://www.youtube.com/@flapanthers?sub_confirmation=1 Instagram 👉 https://www.instagram. com/flapanthers/ TikTok 👉 https://www.tiktok.com/@flapanthers Twitter 👉 https://twitter.com/flapanthers Facebook 👉 https://www.facebook.com/flapanthers Site Web 👉 https://www. floridapanthers.com


  1. I get that everyone wants NY to fail and lose around the nation. Trust me I know fan bases are jealous of NY sports teams when they are good. However, why should the SAME 4 STATES win all the professional sports championships all the time like Massachusetts, Texas, Commifornia, and Florida? Thats not right either.

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