@Canadiens de Montréal

L’entraîneur des gardiens du Boston College ne tarit pas d’éloges sur l’espoir des Canadiens Jacob Fowler

L’entraîneur des gardiens du Boston College ne tarit pas d’éloges sur l’espoir des Canadiens Jacob Fowler



  1. Breaking news, coach loves his star goalie.

  2. The___Colonel

    Interestingly, Price said on a podcast he was on about a year ago that the biggest change he underwent to jump from the minors / WHL to the NHL was athleticism, rather than specific skills / techniques.

    He mentioned that getting his nutrition, training, and sleep on a good rhythm was what enabled him to make the jump over anything else.

    This is what Fowler is doing now with his team’s nutritionist, along with managing energy throughout the entire 60 minutes. The kid is on the right track according to Carey’s experiences.

  3. Lanky-Present2251

    You don’t expect the coach to call his goalie a slug, do you?

  4. zzzzoooo

    Based on any coach’s comment about his player, any player sounds like Gretzky/Lemieux or Hasek.

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