@Canadiens de Montréal

Caufield ne peut s’empêcher de publier des photos avec Zegras, cible potentielle des Canadiens | Hors-jeu

Maybe… perhaps… peut-être.



  1. Throaway44009988

    I dont see a trade for zegras that doesnt involve us trading pick 5, so no thanks

  2. theinternetistoobig

    Breaking news! Caufield hangs out with his friends while traveling! Here are 50 different ways to analyze it. Could it just be that these two like each other? No! Kent Hughes sent Cole as a psyop to seduce Trevor into signing for league min.

  3. popejohnlarue

    I was cautiously optimistic for some sparks at the world tourney to fuel the Zegras-Caufield reunion hype, but it never really took off.

    Zegras would probably cost us a Guhle (Anaheim are reportedly asking a lot for him) or our 5th overall this year, and I think I’d rather roll the dice on Demidov, Catton or even Lindstrom if he’s not too broken.

  4. SquareSecond

    Zegras looks like such a wanker lol

  5. Putrid_Explanation_9

    I honestly think Zegras to Mtl would not benefit Caufield that much. I’d rather go for a Kent Johnson, Necas, or Kakko..someone like that.

  6. Nilus99

    Dont want the team to become a country club… good “camaraderie” is all good but bringing everyone brother and friends is not necessary, its not Clay and friends but the Montreal Canadiens

  7. gerbegerger

    He did the same with PLD at F1 last season, Zegras to Kings confirmed?

  8. BuzzIsMe

    Zegras literally doesn’t fit with the team. Last thing we need now is more reclamation projects with high ceilings they haven’t hit yet, and may never touch. Especially at C.

    You get zegras and play him where? 2nd line LW? It’d be no different than playing Newhook, and either of them on the 3rd will do nothing but hurt their growth.

    If we could sign him, sure why not, but why trade assets to create another logjam in our organization.

  9. Spicy_Pickle_6

    Oof the offseason is going to be really long…

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