@Maple Leafs de Toronto

L’ARC conteste l’affirmation du capitaine des Leafs selon laquelle 15,25 millions de dollars payés en 2018 constituaient une prime de signature qui devrait être imposée à un taux inférieur

L’ARC conteste l’affirmation du capitaine des Leafs selon laquelle 15,25 millions de dollars payés en 2018 constituaient une prime de signature qui devrait être imposée à un taux inférieur



  1. ESF-hockeeyyy

    I can’t believe I’m saying this but I hope Tavares wins and gets to keep his money.

  2. BendNo6000

    Oh the poor dude. Such a victim. I guarantee he pays a lower % of tax than the vast majority of anyone on this sub.

  3. torontoker13

    I hate that players finances are so public and that stuff like this sways peoples opinions on a players character.
    He should pay the same tax % as anyone else in Toronto that gets a 15 million dollar signing bonus.

  4. leafs_fan2019

    I think hes obviously trying to pay less taxes

    especially next year – the way his contract is structured to receive 910k in salary and 7mil in ‘bonus’

    bonus for what? def not setting any goal scoring records or making a playoff run

    so he wants to pay 15% on 7mil and not the full tax the rest of us pay on 7.91mil

    yeah it sucks but we all have to do it lol

  5. footwith4toes

    I’m honestly torn. I want players to want to play here and get the same advantages as non-tax states. but also pay your fucking taxes man.

  6. Blu3_w4ff1es

    Am I the only one that wishes I was in a position to bicker with the CRA over what constitutes salary and what constitutes a signing bonus? Jfc

  7. oh no is johnny short on a yacht payment?

  8. sinsixtys

    He’s not the first Canadian athlete to have a signing bonus, so surely there’s a precedent for this. Has everyone before him claimed it as fully taxable income? Or have others gotten the tax break he’s trying to claim?

  9. standardnerds

    How does something like this ever become public?

  10. znebsays

    This is why no one likes playing in Toronto. Why play in this shit hole when you can be in palm trees better weather and better taxes.

  11. Isn’t that the sort of thing that should be recorded in the books by a well organized operation like MLSE? and if they didn’t, investigate them instead.

  12. tubs777

    Love all the high school kids giving their opinion here. CRA is a clown show

  13. TheGapInTysonsTeeth

    Maybe he’ll waive to go to a no-tax state for the last year of his deal and recoup some of that 8 mil.

    That would sure put the Marner trade stuff to bed, which is really what this team and fanbase need right now lol.

  14. Seems like a good reason to waive your NMC.

  15. Weekly-Junket8272

    Comment sections like this show how bitter this sub is.

  16. Small-Wolverine-7166

    Tavares’ advising team Accountants and Lawyers dropped the ball big time if this goes through.

  17. Cottagewknds

    Ottawa finding news ways to screw over Toronto

  18. Cdnraven

    CRA should just claim that he’s been dogshit compared to his salary and he doesn’t deserve half of it. Invest it in the Canadian economy who has had to suffer through his underperformance.

  19. AdTricky5280

    CRA figure it the f out. It sounds like they’re grasping at straws and whether they’re hockey fans or not like let this one go – the dude was one of the biggest free agent signings in Canadian sports history (if you disagree, you’re forgetting how massive this was in the moment). He decided to make Canada his home and has more than likely brought in more revenue for this damn country than taxes they’d receive back here.

    Should he receive special treatment? Probably not, but is this a hill worth dying on for the CRA? Absolutely f*king not.

    All this without pointing to the very real and obvious consequences of a precedent like this, which would hamper any Canadian teams from attracting high end free agents under similar circumstances.


  20. Dangerois

    A bit off topic, but I’d like to see the cap hit calculated on after tax dollars. That would put Canadian teams, and higher tax U.S. markets on par with low/no tax states.

  21. InvictusShmictus

    Its fitting that the biggest drama surrounding John Tavares is a tax dispute…

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