@Blackhawks de Chicago

#WhatsYourGoal : Cammy

Cammy est née incapable de marcher ni de parler. Son objectif était de marquer un but avec l’aide de son joueur préféré, Duncan Keith.


  1. Duncan had the device specially made for her which just shows how amazing of person he is off the ice. Amazing video, seeing her happy is heartwarming.

  2. I’m 34 year old man and I sobbed like a baby watching this. There is no greater feeling in life then seeing pure joy in a child’s face.

  3. I am a Bruins fan but I have a lot of Respect for Duncan Keith great guy lot of respect this is awesome what he did for that girl

  4. The NHL needs more players like Duncan Keith. That’s the single greatest thing any NHL player’s ever done for a handicapped fan.

  5. I’ve probably watched this 30 times or better. And every single time it gets to me. Miss You Duncs and next stop Hall Of Fame.

  6. Out of all of these, this just hits different she's just sp happy and excited to see Duncan and he's willing to help her skate with a harness attached to him. Duncan Keith a Hall of Famer with a Heart of GOLD!

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