@Canucks de Vancouver

The Hockey Shop (Langley) *Mise à jour*

La semaine dernière, j’ai posé des questions sur la qualité de fabrication de The Hockey Shop à Langley.

J’ai déposé mes maillots samedi dernier. Le personnel y est incroyable ! Bravo à AY pour avoir répondu à toutes les questions que j’avais !

Ce matin, j’ai reçu un email m’informant que mes maillots étaient prêts à être récupérés. L’ETA était initialement le 8 juin.

Les chiffres à l’arrière, la barre de nom et les numéros latéraux sont tous magnifiquement réalisés. Bien que cela ne soit pas illustré, les numéros latéraux sont également cousus.

Inutile de dire que leur travail est incroyable et n’hésiterais pas à y retourner.

Patine noire : 100 $ Orque bleue : 80 $



  1. RelevantJackWhite

    Nice! I know people here are always asking about nameplates and numbers because it’s hard to get the Canucks fonts right, good to see some positive evidence

  2. shadownet97

    Nice! Thanks for the photos and reference. I was a bit hesitant to go with them unless I knew they knew what they were doing but it looks like they do.

    Only issues for me are whether they can do CCM style jerseys and they’re far af from me. Boy I miss when they were right below Surrey Central station.

  3. crispychri

    Might be a good alternative if you want a quick turnaround,

    Wonder if they have the RR2.0 name/numbers..

  4. Janiejones1717

    That is amazing, looks like they do great work! I wonder if they can do replica jerseys from early 90s Era 🤔

  5. Different-Aerie-1460

    The Hockey Shop knows their stuff! I’ve had them make a jersey for me and they also did my coaching jacket which turned out fantastic with the stitching. I’m a goalie and they re-did the lacing in the pocket with skate laces, they charged a very fair price for it too. They always do a fantastic job, there’s a reason people go to them!

  6. bernieyee

    The folks working there are really nice, but the seamstress they have seems to be hit or miss.

    The 16 for my Linden jersey was off to the right by about an inch and a half to the right. Took it back, and the seamstress got lazy and only moved the 1 a bit to the left so it’s still offcentered.

    I was debating taking it back a second time, but figured I’d just live with it.

  7. karltee

    I’ve customized all my jerseys at hockey shop ever since it was a surrey central and playing at central city roller hockey

    They’re the best.

    I just wished there was a place like this for NBA jerseys.

  8. FrenchDevil97

    Do they ship Jerseys out at all?
    I don’t live in Vancouver but I have a few blanks I could drop off on my next trip over

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