@Maple Leafs de Toronto


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  1. Trying to circumvent tax laws by being paid mostly in bonuses SHOULD be taxed.

    But…this storey will very likely cause some players in the future from wanting to join a Canadian team

  2. The Leafs are behind all this trying to get Tavares to accept a trade out of Toronto. There's my hot tin hat take.

  3. Tavares' agent should have pressed CRA for clarification before drawing up the Leafs contract in 2018. And Dubas shouldn't set up a trap for Tavares to fall into.

  4. it's a millionaire whining about taxes. So imagine everyone in Canada sued the CRA because of incoming tax.

  5. If the CRA makes this a hill they want to die on, then they are shooting themselves in the foot for future tax revenue. What will happen is that players will just refuse to sign with Canadian teams. That’s it. That equals tax rate of 0%.

  6. If our government didnt give hundreds of milllions of taxpayers dollars to corporations, who then give 10s of millions in untaxable stock bonuses to their CEOs, i wouldnt have a provlem with this. But they do so im not in favour of going after any private citizen, i dont care if they are millionaires or thousandaires….

  7. I find this stuff confusing, so I'm not sure if I actually understand it. But what I think happened, but don't quote me on it, is that there is something in place to lure talent from other countries to come to Canada. Many have called Toronto "Hollywood North", most people don't realize that tons of Hollywood movies are actually filmed here. There are some sort of tax rules to keep that industry strong I've heard, but I'm not into movies so I don't know. Tavares, the guy who had the Toronto Maple Leaf pajamas as a kid, seems to be claiming to some degree that he is foreign talent being lured because he had a house in Long Island or something. Like I said, I might be completely wrong, but that's the way I understood it anyways.

  8. I can barely afford anything in Canada. I don't care what he has to pay the CRA because, in the end, he's doing better than 95% of Canadians

  9. The CRA is right Toronto tried to get talent to play there, by circumventing the tax system. Your bonus should never $7 million and salary $950.000 that bad optics and just a smack in the face to our. Tax system.

  10. If this goes through, the Canadian Teams will be 2nd class teams and will only have stars until their entry level salary and restricted free agent period are effect. Once they reach unrestricted free agent status, they are jumping to a US team for the rest of their careers. The only UFA players available to Canadian Teams will be those not picked up by the US teams. The salary cap should be level for all teams based on the take-home pay after taxes. It is the only way to make fair for all teams… 😮

  11. The Marner and Travers are not going to waive there no move clause. We are still screwed for the limited cap space. If they are dinks for the next thirteen months they may have to let them walk with no return. Come July 2025 the team will have a ton of cap space. Go get the people you need and make it happen in year 2025/26 or 2026/27.

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